Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Shahid Rajaei Teacher Training University, Nanofootonic and Optoelectronic Research Laboratory, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Surveying and identifying objectives are the first step to be taken in engineering educational programming, so that if carried out properly, a more objective basis for correlating educations with organizational needs will be achievable. In this article it is aimed to that using comparative- surveying methods find out training needs of engineers in Iran electronic industries company regarding technical, human and perceptional skills. Statistic society in this research is comprised of all engineers under training course between 2005 to 2009. Since, it is not feasible to focus on all individuals, 150 people were adopted randomly and asked to fill out a questionnaire. One hundred and ten questionnaires were returned. The questionnaire includes 30 questions, which are at 92% level of validity based on Chronbach’s Alpha, that is the questionnaire has good stability. An information analysis was performed through comparative and deductive methods. Findings of the study illustrates that majority of engineers need more technical and perceptional training.  In addition, our analyses showed that there is no meaningful relation between type degree, work experiences and authorities of engineers and required skills.


Main Subjects

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