Document Type : Review Paper


Department of educational sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: Humans in the 21st century face multiple challenges that require them to acquire certain skills in order to overcome them. Some tools, such as art and technology, create unique capabilities for education that can be used to address the challenges of the 21st century. The purpose of this article was to describe the approach of technological artistic education for developing 21st-century skills in students.
Methods: This study was a qualitative research conducted in a meta-synthesis approach. In the first step, reputable foreign scientific databases (such as ScienceDirect, Springer, Google Scholar, Eric, Taylor and Francis, etc.) and domestic databases were searched using specific keywords and terms such as cognitive flexibility theory, electronic and virtual learning environments, cognitive flexibility, principles and criteria of cognitive flexibility theory, etc., within the specified time range from 1992 to 2020. All relevant articles and texts were collected. In the end, 120 documents were found, of which 60 documents were relevant to the research questions. After careful reading of the texts, the necessary information was extracted according to the research questions. For data analysis, thematic analysis method was used, and inter-coder reliability was assessed using the agreement method between two coders.
Findings: Based on the findings, the conceptual model of artistic-technological education was presented to develop the necessary skills of individuals in the 21st century. The pattern consisted of five main sections (challenges of the 21st century, skills needed to face the challenges of the 21st century, tools required to cultivate 21st-century skills, methods of cultivating 21st-century skills, and art and technology-based activities for cultivating 21st-century skills), each of which also had sub-sections. According to this pattern, the challenges of the 21st century included technological challenges, the nature of work challenges, economic challenges, and social challenges. The skills needed to face the challenges of the 21st century included general skills and specialized skills. The tools required to cultivate 21st-century skills included artistic education tools and technological education tools. The methods of cultivating 21st-century skills included artistic education, technological education, and artistic-technological education. And the art and technology-based activities for cultivating 21st-century skills included artistic activities, technological activities, and combined artistic and technological activities (artistic-technological activities). In order to facilitate the implementation of the artistic-technological education model, two methods of combining art and technology in the formal and informal curriculum of schools and the integration of four-parts of art and technology in the curriculum of schools were suggested.
Conclusion: By utilizing the benefits of art and technology, individuals can be trained to overcome the challenges of the 21st century. Artistic education and technological education alone have the capability to cultivate 21st-century skills, but by combining the two and implementing artistic technological education, more desirable results can be achieved. Integrating technology and art in the formal and informal curriculum of schools can help learners improve their creative thinking, problem-solving, critical thinking, and personal and interpersonal skills in order to overcome the challenges of the 21st century. The conceptual model of artistic technological education, with the integration of art and technology in the formal and informal curriculum of schools, and can help learners improve their superior thinking skills and overcome the challenges of this century by equipping themselves with the necessary skills for the 21st century.


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