Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Architecture, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran


Background and Objectives: Teaching basic courses is of utmost importance in architecture and the proper teaching of these courses would guide architecture novices toward better learning and creative designing in architectural design courses. An inconsistency is observable among professors teaching the basic skills of architecture due to the different teaching methods and the changes made in the architecture bachelor's degree syllabus as well as the basic course differentiation. Considering the significance of the drawing course in the architectural engineering, it is required to investigate the effect of blended and differentiated instructions on the quality of teaching this topic. Motivation is one of the common concepts in educational issues. When problems, such as academic failure, occur in the educational system, the learner's motivation is mentioned as one of the major causes. The main objective of this research was to investigate the effect of blended education and differentiated instruction on teaching drawing skills and improving architecture students' academic motivation. The questions of the present research included: which of the blended education and differentiated instructions has more effect on improving the drawing skills of architecture students? And which of these two instructions has a greater effect on improving the architecture students' academic motivation?
Methods: This study was an applied descriptive-analytical and causal-comparative research. The statistical population included two 30-student groups of architectural engineering students of the Islamic Azad University of Urmia. A 30-student group was selected for blended instruction and another 30-student group was selected for differentiated instruction at the Islamic Azad University of Urmia in the first half of the academic year 2022. In the introductory course of architectural design (1), the architectural drawing course was presented in the format of Atelier A for the blended instruction group and it was separately presented in the format of Atelier B for the differentiated instruction group. At the end of the training, drawing tests were taken from the students regarding four main topics of three-view drawing, plan, section, and façade. At the end of the course, Wallerand's academic motivation questionnaire was distributed among the students. In this research, the t-test was used for evaluating the independent groups. Further, the mean values were considered for data analysis.
Findings: According to the obtained research data, it was obvious that blended instruction was more effective in teaching all four subjects of the drawing course and students obtained higher scores. The consistency of the results in the two sections of the research, including the drawing test and the academic motivation questionnaire, confirmed the better performance of blended education in the course of drawing. The higher scores of students in the case of three-view drawing and, then, façade, plan, and section in the blended teaching method confirmed the better performance of this instruction. The high academic motivation in the blended instruction and students' further interaction with each other was more effective in students' learning and made them perform better.
Conclusion: The results revealed that the blended instruction was more effective in teaching the three-view drawing, plan, section, and façade, and the scores of students who participated in the blended training atelier were higher in a specific exercise in comparison to those of the differentiated training atelier, and it can be concluded that blended instruction has a significantly greater average than differentiated instruction in all four exercises. Moreover, blended instruction improves the students' internal and external motivation.


Main Subjects

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