Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Humanities, Shahed Uni. Tehran,Iran

2 Department of Entrepreneurship, Uni. of Tehran,Tehran.Iran


This study aimed to identify the status of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial training needs assessment of Humanities. Two types of questionnaires were designed and distributed among 97 students and 36 professors in order to collect the information. Results showed that almost all students and professors of Humanities believe that entrepreneurship educations leave much to be desired. In fact, materials, content and teaching methods are not appropriate to convey the concepts of entrepreneurship and business to students. Professors of Humanities also believe that incorporating concepts such as fundamentals of business, business planning, communications, organization and management, legal and commercial regulations, accounting, financial management, e-business, launching a business, marketing, strategic management, international business, and entrepreneurial skills as an academic training courses in the syllabus is key to improve the students' entrepreneurial knowledge and skills.


Main Subjects

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