Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Foreign Languages - Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


The present study seeks to investigate the relationship between the L2 motivational self system, second language learning anxiety, and motivated behavior. 1309 junior high school and high school students from all over Iran completed a questionnaire which demonstrated acceptable reliability and validity. Drawing on evidence from L2 motivation research, studies in motivational psychology, and research on L2 anxiety, a model was proposed to be tested via structural equation modeling. The data was submitted to statistical analysis software programs and the proposed model was confirmed: seven out of ten hypothesized paths were significant. The results of the study show that learners’ ideal L2 self significantly contributes to their English learning experience and intended effort, and has a significant but negative relationship with their English anxiety. L2 learning experience most strongly amplifies intended effort; and the ought-to L2 self, as a less internalized future self-guide, significantly leads to the increase of anxiety. Not surprisingly, the ought-to L2 self was observed to significantly contribute to intended effort as well. Based on the results, several practical suggestions along with suggestions for future research have been presented.


Main Subjects

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