Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Architecture, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Urban Planning, Tehran, Iran


The fast growth of Iran’s population in the 20th century especially during the 80’s and due to the modern viewpoints, caused an unprecedented urban growth.  The growth pattern in some cities was scattered and wasted much agricultural land as well as natural resources in the urban fringe.  This phenomenon is called urban sprawl.  The problems due to urban sprawl in North America created a new theoretical approach called “the smart growth theory”.
The city of Yazd is the example of the highest damage caused by fast sprawled growth.  The reasons for the urban sprawl in various countries are numerous, but the results and difficulties created are much similar to Iran.  Therefore, the “smart growth” solution after adaptation to the special situation in Yazd could be applied.
In this research, after the acknowledgment of the problems of sprawl, the experiences of other countries is examined and considering the special circumstances in the city of Yazd, several strategies are developed which could enhance the present situation and prevent the continuation of sprawl in the future


Main Subjects

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