Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahid Rajaei Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


Perdition of location and occurring time of earthquake is impossible. It is realities that in each every year’s earthquake are occurred and it effects the natural environment. Of course, reduction of hazard from earthquake risk is possible.
Post earthquake assessment some time needs hundred or thousands engineer. For uniform evaluation of inspection the simple form was needed. The inspectors before earthquake, must be learn how to filling inspection form. For uniform and objective evaluation of damages degree needs the inspection form must be simple and easy for collections data.
After a destructive earthquake, inspection and assessment of building in short time is important. In the quality inspection is the visual inspection that needs the experience and knowledge of engineer, which want to use judgment and personality response. 
In this paper, in addition of managing in disaster, the inspection form and procedure of filling of the form was given. Finally the computer software for evaluation of collection the data was given. After earthquake, the building categorized into three parts, a-the building is safe and entry is unlimited (signed by Green color), b-the building as temporarily unusable, because is limited damaged (signed by Yellow color), c-the damage is extensive and building out of usage until the detailed inspection (signed by Red color).


Main Subjects

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