Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Agriculture Extension and Education and Rural Development Department, Academic center for education, Cultural research, Hamadan, Iran

2 Agriculture Extension and Education Department, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Background and Objectives: In recent decades, the development of agriculture and rural areas has been very important and in some cases it has been mentioned as the axis of development. Since the development of countries is impossible without efficient specialists, education is considered as one of the priorities of any country, including Iran. E-learning with modern communication methods is one of the educational systems that has been focused on due to the growth and expansion of Internet networks and has been proposed as a new idea and the key to the transition of human resources to the information society. Today, to increase the motivation of learners and improve the productivity of education, attention to digital technologies is increasingly important. With the beginning of the age of information technology, educational systems were one of the first areas that underwent changes and the use of new and active learning methods by educational administrators in various fields such as agricultural sciences, engineering, medicine, etc. have been felt. The current study of the effectiveness New educational communication tools in Comparison with Traditional Methods in Increasing water resources usersKnowledge.
Method and Materials:  In a quasi-experimental study, 60 gardeners were randomly selected as the samples. They were divided into two peer groups with respect to age, education, economic status, amount of land, being a member of social network (30 for experiments and 30 for control). The main tool for research was the researcher-made questionnaire which was formed on the basis of existing theoretical comments.
Findings: The results showed that the strategies that gardeners apply for climate change are intercropping strategy, using integrated farming systems, changing the time farming operation, drought-tolerant crops. According to Levene test and equality of variances, there is a significant difference (Telegram and What Sapp) between the pre-test scores and post-test scores in the group receiving mobile learning. So that education through social networks and electronics had a significant impact in adopting coping strategies relating the effects of climate change.
Conclusion: The results indicate that the component of the hope for recovery has had the greatest impact on adaptation to climate change. And the component of fidelity has the least effect. Also, demographic and psychological components explain 61% of changes in farmers' adaptation. According to the research results and in order to increase the learning efficiency and improve the level of knowledge and skills of gardeners and farmers, it is suggested to use new methods of hybrid instruction education. It is also suggested that training courses on the use of modern equipment and tools for gardeners be considered by those involved in the field of agricultural education and the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture. Since e-learning as well as mobile learning are not limited to a specific time and place and have a very wide scope of practice and are known as ‘teaching at any time and place’, therefore, it is recommended to make maximum use of this potential capacity to create growth and development among gardeners.


Main Subjects

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