Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Psychology and Science, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran

2 doroud technical institute, Tehran,Iran


Abstract: In developed countries, there is a developing global movement for change in the educational
structure, the transformation of societies from traditional societies to knowledge-based societies result in the
emergence of the use of the new communication environment. Smart school can be considered a learning
atmosphere that will make it possible to realize a knowledge-based society. This study examined the impact of
smart schools on academic achievement in Lorestan province. The population of this study is comprised of all
high school students in Lorestan. The study sample consisted of 208 students that 99 people of them were smart
schools' students and 109 people of them were traditional school students. The research tool in the study was the
questionnaire which specified the social class with the validity and reliability of 89%. The research method of
data collection for the study was causal - or post-hoc comparisons application of research. Smart school and
traditional schools students’ GPA, were compared by using T-test in two different major: mathematic and
scientific. Results showed that the average GPA of students in smart schools significantly differed from the
traditional school grade point average and smart schools had a positive impact on students ' grade point average.


Main Subjects