Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Educational Technology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


Abstract: In the current world, need to have information and contact for obtaining information, changes in the system of educational and cause the rise of E-learning in the field of staff training, While the realization of e-learning system on the forklift requires organizations to provide a different aspect of coming situations is that from the perspective of e-learning readiness system fitted to it. The main objective of this research, a model to assess the readiness of indigenous system of e-learning in organizations and financial institutions, and so, for the purpose of research with access to a variety of evaluation model and comparative studies by relying on information obtained from the analysis of the national studies, as well as the results of survey of experts, a native of framework consists of seven main later. Then, based on the comments of experts rate the importance of influencing factor and these dimensions as well as the suitability of the structure of the model, the direction of the desired target sensing, using structural equations model building were identified. More, this model is fitted with the help of the worksheet that contains the index of the model, in order to assess the rate of National Bank of preparation were used in total, represent the Agency's lack of readiness for entry into this arena. The proposed model is an appropriate tool for identifying strengths and weaknesses, in the organization access to information and communication technology and using it to further the effectiveness of the virtual field, as well as, the digital gap analysis between them.


Main Subjects