Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Information Technology Management, Faculty of Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Abstract: The importance of physician’s access to the latest findings reveals the need for studying about more efficient infrastructures based on the potential of new educational technologies. In this paper, a practical model to optimize the process of medical education has been presented. This model is based on the knowledge obtained through questionnaires completed by faculty members and clinical assistants from Medical school of Shiraz University. The questionnaire reliability using Cronbach's alpha was (α=0.71). Research findings show that there is no optimal continuing educational method for updating the knowledge of studied population and more than 82% of the target audience access to the latest resources by a delay more than one month. Furthermore, 68% of them believe that treatment algorithms are the fastest methods of training. Therefore, based on these results, by employing web 2, a new model, is proposed to achieve faster and continues method for education. Functional assessment of the proposed model approved by IT professionals and its effectiveness evaluated through a descriptive study of the respondent population.


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