Educational technology- primary school
M. Omidi Shal; B. Bandali; Mahmood Abolghasemi; S. Saadati
Background and Objectives: Reading and writing, in addition to being considered as the human necessities for today life, are one of the pillars of literacy and basic skills in education and learning. One of the goals of the literacy is to develop and strengthen the reading and writing skills of students. ...
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Background and Objectives: Reading and writing, in addition to being considered as the human necessities for today life, are one of the pillars of literacy and basic skills in education and learning. One of the goals of the literacy is to develop and strengthen the reading and writing skills of students. However, some national and international studies have shown the weakness of Iranian students in these two skills. In addition, weakness in reading and writing causes problems in understanding other subjects as well. Therefore, due to the important role of reading and writing skills in the learning and academic progress of students, as well as the need to investigate the factors affecting the academic performance and the efficiency of the educational system, the investigation of this issue was considered in this research. Given the components of reading and writing skills, as well as inefficient teaching methods resulting in this failure, one of the activities that can play an effective role in solving the problem is storytelling. With the development of technology in different fields, digital storytelling has also been used in education. Previous research revealed the positive effect of using traditional and digital stories in teaching different subjects, competencies and skills among learners, but no comparison was made between them. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to compare the effect of two teaching methods based on digital and traditional storytelling on the reading and writing skills of first-grade primary school students.Methods: This was an applied study carried out with quantitative approach and quasi-experimental design. A sample of 50 students of the first grade of an all-boys primary public school in Rasht, Iran in the academic year of 2022-2023 were selected through convenience sampling method to participate in this research. They were assigned to experimental and control groups. Five letters of the first primary Persian Literacy were taught in the experimental group by presenting a digital story. In the control group, the same letters were taught through the same stories in a traditional way by the teacher. The stories were approved by educational experts and first grade school teachers as well. After teaching each letter, both groups took part in a test developed by the team leader of first grade teachers district 1 of education department in Rasht. The validity of the tests was confirmed by educational experts and elementary teachers. To ensure reliability, the measurement process was repeated for five letters of the Persian alphabet, all research processes were documented and the subjects' normal conditions were maintained in the evaluation process. The data were analyzed via inferential statistics methods including Anderson-Darling test, the Mann-Whitney U test and independent samples t-test.Findings: Results showed that the mean scores of both groups in all tests were similarly above the theoretical mean and no significant difference was found considering the performance of the two groups.Conclusion: Considering the capabilities that storytelling has in improving learning outcomes, it can be said that using stories, both in traditional and digital form, can be used as an effective method in teaching Persian and improving the reading and writing skills of primary school students. Also, accuracy in educational design and appropriate learning activities can enrich the use of traditional and digital stories in the education process.
Educational technology- primary school
Sh. Fazli; S.R. Emadi
Background and Objectives: Mathematics is one of the basic skills that is considered as as one of the important and fundamental subjects during education, and a significant number of students face challenges in this subject. The teaching and learning of mathematics is not only limited to transferring ...
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Background and Objectives: Mathematics is one of the basic skills that is considered as as one of the important and fundamental subjects during education, and a significant number of students face challenges in this subject. The teaching and learning of mathematics is not only limited to transferring concepts and definitions to students, but the math program is responsible for developing and generalizing concepts, creating motivation, fostering creativity, and applying and creating connections between students' learning. However, it can be seen that the traditional methods of teaching mathematics, despite a long history, have not been able to positively affect the process of learning and teaching mathematics of students. Researchers have sought to find a way to solve the problems of the teaching and learning process so that students can better understand the basic foundations of mathematics. With the advancement of technology and the use of computers in various branches of science, the way was paved for the use of technology in education. Among the applications of this technology, which is receiving more attention every day, is the role it can play in the learning process. With the growth and expansion of the use of computer technology in the learning process, the design of graphic learning environments has become increasingly important, and one of these graphic methods is vector graphics. Drawing can be an effective educational medium in education, because it enables the teacher to present information with different media through sound, text, animation and image. In other words, teaching with the multimedia graphic design method provides the right context to complement the teacher's efforts to attract attention, improve understanding and involve the person in learning. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of vector graphics on the learning and engagement of students in mathematics.Methods: The research method was an experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population included all fifth-grade female students of the Qahavand district in the academic year of 2020-2021, which was 188. The statistical sample consisted of 30 people (15 subjects in the experimental group and 15 in the control group) who were selected from the female students of the fifth-grade primary school through an available sampling method. The experimental group was trained through Illustrator software during 8 sessions, and the control group received the usual training. The data collected by Reeve's (2013) academic engagement and learning (researcher-made) questionnaires in mathematic. Descriptive statistics indicators such as mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the data, and multivariate covariance analysis was used to check the research hypotheses.Findings: The results showed that teaching with the help of vector graphics had a greater effect on the level of learning and engagement of students in mathematics lessons compared to teaching in the usual way. Based on the results of vector graphics training, it had a positive and significant effect on students' learning (F=9.34, P<0.01) and engagement (F=27.17, P<0.01) of students.Conclusion: The findings of the present study showed that the use of vector graphics teaching method is effective on the level of learning and academic engagement in mathematics. Considering the importance of multimedia patterns in education and the attractiveness of multimedia methods such as graphics for learners, it is suggested that teachers use vector graphics in teaching mathematics. Also, education can increase the quality of education by empowering teachers to use multimedia technologies, and considering multimedia principles in the design of textbooks, and helping students learn better.
Educational technology- primary school
S. Mansoori; M. Talebbeygi
Background and Objectives: Virtual learning has become an integral part of today's learning. Therefore, the continuous evaluation of the quality of these learnings is one of the basic missions of the educational system, and the existence of a valid tool to measure these learning is necessary. On the ...
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Background and Objectives: Virtual learning has become an integral part of today's learning. Therefore, the continuous evaluation of the quality of these learnings is one of the basic missions of the educational system, and the existence of a valid tool to measure these learning is necessary. On the other hand, in the field of virtual education curriculum, a tool that can measure all aspects of elementary education curriculum elements has not been developed. Therefore, it seems necessary to build a reliable tool. According to this, the purpose of the current research was to construct and validate the quality assessment scale of the virtual education curriculum of elementary school in Iran's educational system.Methods: The research design was a combination in order to make a tool for measuring the quality of the virtual education curriculum of the elementary school. The participants in the content validity section were 12 experts in the field of virtual education, and in the construct validity section, there were 217 elementary teachers from Central Province, who were selected by stratified random sampling method. In the first stage, by reviewing the upstream documents, curriculum guide, articles and studies in the field of virtual education indicators were abstracted and then validity and reliability were calculated. In order to analyze the data, content validity index of Lavshe, confirmatory factor analysis and correlation coefficient of the items were used. Data analysis was done using SPSS and SMART PLS software.Findings:. In the first stage, 51 indicators (items) were extracted in the form of 4 basic components to measure the curriculum. Then, by checking the content validity of the scale using Lavshe's validity index, 48 items in the form of 4 components of goal, content, teaching-learning strategies and evaluation of learning with validity of 0.77, 0.95, 0.94 and 0.98, respectively, were identified. In the next step, in order to check the construct validity of the desired scale, confirmatory factor analysis was used, and the results showed that except for one item (item 42), the rest of the items had a favorable factor load and after modifying the model (item 42), the t coefficients of all items in all components were higher than 1.96, which indicated the suitability of the measurement model. Also, the combined reliability for all components was greater than 0.70, which indicated the reliability of these variables or scales. The average variance extracted, which measured the convergent validity of each scale, was higher than 0.50, which indicated convergent validity. In total, the results showed the reliability and validity of the components of the virtual education curriculum scale and the tool made to measure the quality of virtual education includes 48 items and was designed in the form of four components: goal, content, teaching, learning and evaluation strategies.Conclusion: Considering that virtual learning has become an integral part of formal education in Iran's educational system, this tool can be used to measure the quality of these instructions. In addition, this tool helps the administrators and policy makers of virtual learning to provide the required platforms for virtual education based on the intended curriculum.
Educational technology- primary school
F. Gadrdan; B. Sabzeh; Y. Oskoui
Background and Objectives: In the digital age, literacy does not only include individual skills, but also includes a set of social actions in real or digital space that uses new and digital technologies to communicate. Therefore, to complete the topic of media literacy, a new type of literacy called ...
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Background and Objectives: In the digital age, literacy does not only include individual skills, but also includes a set of social actions in real or digital space that uses new and digital technologies to communicate. Therefore, to complete the topic of media literacy, a new type of literacy called digital literacy has been proposed. Since students need a complete set of literacy to make the most of social networks, participate in post-industrial economies and play the role of global citizens, digital literacy as one of the new and multi-dimensional literacies is the best and most useful approach to understanding the changing landscape. It is the world that cannot be separated from education and the development of it must be provided among students, especially at the elementary level because childhood learning is the foundation of all subsequent education. In fact, understanding the dimensions and development of digital literacy among students is an answer to face the challenges of the digital age. In this regard, the aim of this research was to identify the dimensions of digital literacy of primary school students.Methods: The current research method was applied in terms of its purpose and its method was combined (qualitative and quantitative) so that in identifying the dimensions of digital literacy of primary school students, a combined research method was used for validation. A descriptive method with Delphi technique was used for the identified dimensions. The statistical population of the qualitative part of this research included all books, articles, master's theses, doctoral theses that were published in the period from 2013 to 2014 on this topic. The digital literacy of primary school students was determined by a statistical sample of 36 documents in a targeted and criteria-oriented way. In the quantitative part, 17 experts were selected as a sample from the statistical community of educational science and educational technology experts and elementary school teachers. In order to collect data and information and analyze the findings to identify the dimensions of students' digital literacy, theoretical coding process was used in three stages of open coding, central coding and selective coding. In this step, to ensure the coding method, in addition to the self-review technique, two experts in the field of digital literacy were used to recode the findings. In order to validate the dimensions identified using the questionnaire made by the researcher, the data obtained from the survey was evaluated with Kendall's formula.Findings: After analyzing the extracted data with MAXQDA11 software, the coding chart was drawn. Based on the results obtained in the coding process, in the open coding stage, 66 codes were extracted, 13 subcategories were obtained in the axial coding stage, and finally, in the selective coding, after combining the concepts, four dimensions were obtained. The results obtained from the research indicated that four operational, critical, cultural and transitional dimensions could be considered for the digital literacy of primary school students and each of these dimensions had components that were appropriate to their age characteristics and needs. Operational dimension included technical literacy, digital content literacy, and information literacy. The critical dimension included the components of media literacy and critical literacy. The cultural dimension included the components of digital participation, social literacy, digital ethics and digital security, and digital creativity and innovation, problem solving, digital entertainment and digital intelligence were components of the critical dimension. In the expert validation section, the value of Kendall's correlation coefficient (0.658) was obtained.Conclusion In this research, the dimensions of digital literacy for primary school students were identified according to their characteristics and needs and based on the study of the experiences of leading countries in the development of digital literacy for children, which showed a balance between protection against online risks and nurturing digital opportunities and it can be a guide for the development of policies and curricula related to digital literacy among Iranian primary school students.
Educational technology- primary school
S. Sozangar; S. Shahhosseini
Background and Objectives: School students are often exposed to health risks due to insufficient knowledge of personal hygiene and its methods. Problems caused by non-observance of personal hygiene appear serious in public health and play an important role in the spread of infectious diseases and the ...
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Background and Objectives: School students are often exposed to health risks due to insufficient knowledge of personal hygiene and its methods. Problems caused by non-observance of personal hygiene appear serious in public health and play an important role in the spread of infectious diseases and the severance of social ties. The importance of studying and using comic strip media with health topics in education is that it provides an opportunity for the students to reflect on the effectiveness of medications, the pressures on patients and their families, and even on their inner experiences. Therefore, considering the importance of personal health education in sensitive childhood and school years, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of education by comic strip personal health media on social skills of fourth-grade elementary students.Methods: The present study is of applied type and based on quasi-experimental data collection criteria. The statistical population of the study was all fourth-grade students in Dezful in the academic year 2020-2021. The size of the statistical population was 1825 students. A total of 30 students were included in the sample and were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups (15 in the experimental group and 15 in the control group). The tools used in this study were researcher-made comic strip media as well as the Garshasm and Priority’s (1990) Social Skills Questionnaire, which was completed in two stages: pre-test and post-test. The training program was performed in 8 sessions of 45 minutes for three weeks for the experimental group and the control group received no intervention. At the end of the intervention period, both groups were re-evaluated. In order to check the data, SPSS software (Version 22) and covariance method were analyzed. It should be noted that the assumptions of the test were tested by Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levine tests.Findings: The findings obtained after repeated analysis of data showed that there was a significant difference between the participants in the experimental group and the control group in terms of the rate of acquisition of social skills. The social skills of students who learned personal hygiene using comic strip media were higher than that of those students in the control group. Therefore, the use of intervention method (training by personal health comic strip media) was effective on the social skills variable (P≤0.05).Conclusion: Using comic strip as an attractive visual medium to teach personal health content can strengthen the social skills of fourth-grade elementary students by actively interpreting incomplete frames of comic strip, and being actively engaged with the stories. And health narratives will interact, and as a result, their knowledge and literacy in how to create and promote desirable and healthy social skills in real-life situations will improve. Comic strip media seems to be a suitable tool and a good option for educating learners due to its objectivity and suitability to the stage of children's development; Therefore, it is suggested that the use of this new media be on the agenda of education in order to familiarize and deepen students' learning experiences in the field of social skills training.
Educational technology- primary school
S. Ansari; F. Seraji; M. Yousefzadeh
Background and Objectives: Given the importance of media literacy education to children in the curricula of many schools around the world and the gaps in media literacy education in Iran as well as the emphasis of various studies on using learning-based methods based on information-processing models ...
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Background and Objectives: Given the importance of media literacy education to children in the curricula of many schools around the world and the gaps in media literacy education in Iran as well as the emphasis of various studies on using learning-based methods based on information-processing models and social learning in media literacy education, the question arises as to what the characteristics of media literacy curriculum elements are according to previous studies in the field of media literacy education. The aim of the present study was to determine the characteristics of the second primary media literacy curriculum elements for functional consuming(FC), critical consuming(CC), functional presuming(FP), and critical presuming(CP) media.Methods: This research was conducted using mixed-methods design (qualitative and quantitative). In the first stage, to identify the features of the media literacy curriculum of the second primary school, the qualitative method of synthesis research (qualitative Meta-Synthesis) was used, and in the next stage, to examine the opinion of experts from the descriptive-survey method and to evaluate the effect of program implementation, a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test design with a control and experimental group was used. The statistical population of this study consisted of three groups, A) The studies published in the field of media literacy education were in local and international scientific databases; out of 4309, 18 related documents in the field of media literacy were purposefully selected as samples, B) In the initial validation section of the project, 15 specialists were purposefully selected (with criteria of expertise and experience in the field of media literacy education) from the statistical community of instructors and curriculum planning specialists in the field of media literacy as a sample, and C) In the quantitative part of the statistical population, the students of the second primary school in Hamedan in the academic year of 2019-2020 were included who were selected as a research sample using the multi-stage random cluster sampling method and consisted of a total of 63 sixth-grade female students. In order to analyze the data, to extract information from research and to analyze and combine the findings in determining the characteristics of the curriculum, the content analysis method was used via coding. At this stage, in addition to using the CASP tool in selecting appropriate study units, to ensure the coding method, in addition to using the researcher self-review technique, two experts in the field of communication and curriculum were used to re-codify the findings. In the second stage, using a researcher-made questionnaire, the data obtained from the survey to validate the curriculum were evaluated with a CVR coefficient. In the third stage, in order to analyze the data obtained from the researcher-made tests (functional evaluation, parent evaluation and self-evaluation) in four levels of functional consumption, critical consumption, functional prosumption, and critical prosumption, according to the fact that the data does not have a normal distribution in the pre-test and post-test, the Uman-Whitney test was used.Findings: Findings of the research in the meta-analysis section indicated characteristics such as attention to critical approach, critical media literacy, cognitive media literacy and new media literacy, and the basics of the philosophy program for children in the basics element; Acquisition and promotion of media consumption indicators included (fostering caring thinking), critical media literacy (fostering critical thinking) and producing media messages (fostering creative thinking) in the target element; Attention to cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and moral dimensions, students' life experiences in the face of different media, components emphasized in media literacy theories and in combination with other courses were included in the content element; Attention to discussion and participation in classroom community of inquiry, research-oriented, based on personal (individual) patterns, as well as the use of integrated methods were considered in the method element; Emphasis on discussion, attention to different cognitive, emotional and behavioral dimensions, use of different evaluation tools as well as metacognitive self-evaluation were the elements of media literacy curriculum evaluation in the second primary school. In the field of validation according to experts, due to the higher CVR coefficient obtained in all items of the minimum acceptable coefficient for 15 people (0.49), the features mentioned in the curriculum of the second primary school were confirmed. In the study of the effect of the implemented curriculum on media literacy competencies of second primary school students, the results of Mann-Whitney post-test showed that the effect of the experimental group was significant at the confidence level of 0.95 (P = 0.000, Z = -5.93).Conclusion: Combining library studies, experimental designs, and interviews with experts in previous studies, as well as validating the features extracted by experts in the field of media literacy training and model effectiveness in implementation suggests a curriculum during which students form a research community to find, build, and engage in media messages involving positive exchange and participation (instead of a competitive environment) in challenging content related to media literacy indicators and results in the cultivation of thoughts based on non-hostile reflection, an increased enjoyment stemming from the ability to read and deeply understand media messages based on dialogue, the development of creativity while creating common perceptions, adherence to ethical principles such as tolerance and acceptance of ambiguities and in general grounding and promoting media literacy and self-leadership through cultivating a variety of caring, critical and creative thinking abilities.
Educational technology- primary school
H. Panah; S. Mousavipour
The present research was conducted to investigate the instructional effects of Quran educational multimedia on the learning and retention of six grade male students with mental special needs in Arak. The research design of the study was a quasi-experimental, and the participants of the study were 18 ...
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The present research was conducted to investigate the instructional effects of Quran educational multimedia on the learning and retention of six grade male students with mental special needs in Arak. The research design of the study was a quasi-experimental, and the participants of the study were 18 students with mental special needs studying at the Noor special education center randomly assigned to two groups of nine. The experimental group was treated with multimedia instruction for two months (18 sessions each 45 minutes) while the control group received no treatment strategy. To assess the results, first a pretest was administered to both groups. After the pretest the experimental group received the treatment and after that a posttest was administered to both groups. The data were then analyzed with repeated measure ANOVA and multivariate variance analysis.Overall, the results of the analyses imply that although in both groups under study the level of learning and intake improved compared with the beginning, the second group which was exposed to multimedia instruction of Quran outperformed the other group with traditional instruction in the indices under investigation in this study. Also, according to multivariate variance analysis, it was found that multimedia use in teaching Quran to students with mental special needs significantly improves the indices of reading the words part by part, reading, compared with the traditional methods.
Educational technology- primary school
F. Yazdani
The aim of this study was to extract indicators of evaluating the textbooks for making a valid and reliable scale for evaluating of textbooks from teachers’ view. The research method was surveyed and statistical population of it includes all electronic and print resources in the field of curriculum ...
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The aim of this study was to extract indicators of evaluating the textbooks for making a valid and reliable scale for evaluating of textbooks from teachers’ view. The research method was surveyed and statistical population of it includes all electronic and print resources in the field of curriculum that have published between the years of 2000-2015 and also all elementary teachers (3150 people) in Malayer city, between the years of 2014-15. For sampling, a biased method was used. So, 380 teachers selected. For gathering of data, the “scale of assessing the quality of textbooks” was used. This made based on the all criteria and indicators that extracted in the process of research. Results showed that the scale was valid and reliable for assessing the quality of textbooks. It cleared that the quality of elementary textbooks was good. Also, it cleared that among the six criteria, the religious criteria have regarded more than other criteria.
Educational technology- primary school
F. Zarabian; H. Rastegarpour; B. Zandi; M.R. Sarmadi; M. Farajollahi
The aim of this study is to review the impact of e-learning program on the dictation skills of third grade primary school students based on educational design principles. This study is full field in the form of quasi – experiment. Statistical society included 62 female students of shahid mahdavi ...
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The aim of this study is to review the impact of e-learning program on the dictation skills of third grade primary school students based on educational design principles. This study is full field in the form of quasi – experiment. Statistical society included 62 female students of shahid mahdavi third base elementary school of region one of Tehran city education. Sampling in this study is done using random sampling method. Samples divided to two equal control and experimental groups and the experimental group learned dictation lesson in three months using web based e-Learning program that was designed by the researcher and approved by the 16 relevant specialists in the ministry of education and universities. Control group were instructed using Traditional classroom method. Analysis of obtained data using statistical T test of independent groups showed that there is a significant relationship between the use of E-learning program of dictation and academic progress of third grade students of primary school in dictation lesson. Similarly, there is a significant difference between academic progress of students who learned dictation using web based program and students who learned dictation using traditional method. In addition, the findings showed that there is a significant difference between pre-requisite capabilities in dictation lesson including visual, Auditory and movement skills in the end test of experimental and control group showed significant differences between dictation and pre-requisite elements.