Education technology - higher education
Designing an Automated Timetable for University Courses Using Genetic Algorithms

A.H. Monajemi; S. Masoudian; A. Estaki; N. Nematbakhsh

Volume 4, Issue 1 , January 2010, , Pages 23-37

  Designing timetables, for example course timetables in an institute, is one of the most complicated and time-consuming challenges for personnel. Automating it, not only can help the personnel to manage their work better, but also can be considered as a desired sample to assess the ways of planning and ...  Read More

Education of Sustainable Arcitecture in Iran,Barries and Trends

S.B. Hosseini; S.M. Mofidi Shemirani; H. Maddi

Volume 2, Issue 2 , April 2008, , Pages 127-135

  The present article is about the need to pay attention to teaching sustainable architecture in Iran and examining its facilities and obstacles. The aim of this training is to gain scientific knowledge about environmental resources, ethical principles, values ​​and skills in line with the goals of ...  Read More