Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Iran University of Science and Technology - Architecture, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


The present article is about the need to pay attention to teaching sustainable architecture in Iran and examining its facilities and obstacles. The aim of this training is to gain scientific knowledge about environmental resources, ethical principles, values ​​and skills in line with the goals of sustainable development and people's participation in decision-making. In the transition from conventional architecture to a sustainable architecture series, architectural education requires a fundamental transformation and also faces numerous and structural obstacles. Problems with educational planning in sustainable architecture include the use of environmental resources, transportation, building materials, the collection and integration of building systems, and multi-purpose uses that are consistent with human values. In Iran, these trainings are in conflict with the habits of society and require the coordination of the management structure. The study of sustainable architecture education in three Iranian universities has shown that despite some shortcomings in this education, students' attitudes have been oriented and sufficient motivation has been created to change performance. The solar architecture, which became popular in the 1970s after the energy crisis, has been hailed by many masters in Iran as part of its curriculum.


Main Subjects

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