Virtual Reality
A. Sedaghati; B. Motiei
Background and Objectives: Motivation plays a fundamental role in the academic success of architecture students. It appears that students in architecture colleges lack the necessary motivation to learn theoretical courses, especially technical and construction-related courses. Given the nature of the ...
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Background and Objectives: Motivation plays a fundamental role in the academic success of architecture students. It appears that students in architecture colleges lack the necessary motivation to learn theoretical courses, especially technical and construction-related courses. Given the nature of the architecture field and its distinctiveness in education compared to other disciplines, the goal of this research was to investigate the use of computer simulation as a transformative tool in the dynamic landscape of education and its impact on the motivation of architecture students.Methods: This applied research employed a quasi-experimental design with a control group for data collection. In order to collect the required data, Harter questionnaire was used, which was analyzed for reliability and subjected to a preliminary analysis of covariance with a covariance test. The population of the study consisted of students of Building Construction II course at Urmia Azad University. After conducting a preliminary test with students in the experimental group and 30 students in the control group, they were selected in a way that the average scores of both groups in the mentioned test were equal.Findings: Based on the research findings, it can be said that one of the main factors in human performance and behavior is motivation. Motivation leads individuals to move and act, and in educational environments, motivation has a direct correlation with the learning, memorization, and academic progress of students. The more motivation there is, the more academic progress will be made. Motivation is divided into two components: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation; the statistical analysis confirmed the research hypothesis regarding the impact of using computer simulation on the motivation of students in the course of building construction II. In the realm of intrinsic motivation, there was a significant and meaningful difference between the experimental group and the control group. A noticeable increase in intrinsic motivation grades of the post-test compared to those of the pre-test was observed in the experimental group, and there was also a minimal difference in pre-test and post-test scores in the control group, indicating the effect of using this technology in increasing the intrinsic motivation of architecture students. In the extrinsic motivation component, the experimental and control groups showws a significant difference in post-test scores. The extrinsic motivation of students who were trained using computer simulation technology differed from those trained using conventional methods, and the higher average scores of the experimental group in the post-test demonstrated an increase in motivation among the students in this course.Conclusion: The use of computer simulation in teaching technical courses in the field of architecture led to a significant increase in motivation among architecture students. The noticeable improvement in the final exam grades of students who used this technology for learning compared to those of the control group confirmed the positive impact of using computer simulation. The effectiveness of simulation materializes when the mental principles and basics of courses are taught through other methods, and then simulation is used for supplementary teaching. In general, it is more effective when it is used alongside traditional methods- that is, simulation serves as a complement to traditional teaching methods in courses.Methods: This applied research employs a quasi-experimental design with a control group for data collection. The Harter questionnaire serves as the primary data collection tool, with analysis conducted using the analysis of covariance test. The study targets students enrolled in Building Construction II at Urmia Azad University. Two groups of 30 students each are formed with statistically equivalent average scores to ensure comparability. Findings: Based on the findings, it can be said that motivation mobilizes individuals and has direct correlation with learning, memory, and academic progression in educational environments. Motivation is divided into intrinsic and extrinsic, as the statistical analysis confirms the research hypothesis regarding the impact of using simulations on students' motivation in the building construction II course. Intrinsic motivation shows a significant difference between the experimental and control groups. A significant increase in post-test intrinsic motivation scores compared to pre - test scores in the experimental group, as well as a minimal difference in pre - test and post - test scores in the control group, indicate the effect of using this technology in increasing students' intrinsic motivation. Additionally, in the extrinsic motivation component, there is a significant difference in the post - test between the experimental and control groups. The extrinsic motivation of students who were taught through computer simulations differs from those taught in the conventional method, with higher average scores in the post - test in the experimental group indicating an increase in this motivation.Conclusion: The use of computer simulation in technical education leads to a significant increase in motivation among architecture students. A notable improvement in the end - term grades of students who utilized this technology compared to the control group supports the positive impact of its use. Its effectiveness is evident when mental principles and concepts are taught through other methods first and then supplemented with simulation for further learning. Overall, it is most effective when used in conjunction with traditional methods, serving as a complementary tool to conventional approaches.: The use of computer simulation in technical education leads to a significant increase in motivation among architecture students. A notable improvement in the end-term grades of students who utilized this technology compared to the control group supports the positive impact of its use. Its effectiveness is evident when mental principles and concepts are taught through other methods first and then supplemented with simulation for further learning. Overall, it is most effective when used in conjunction with traditional methods, serving as a complementary tool to conventional approaches.
Educational Technology
M. Ghasemi arganeh; S. Pourroostaei Ardakani; A. Mohseni Ezhiyeh; R. Fathabadi
Background and Objectives: Pillars of civilization of any society is based on the system and structure of education; and without any doubt health, comprehensiveness and efficiency of the education system of that society depends on the scope, breadth, diversity and quality of comprehensive educational ...
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Background and Objectives: Pillars of civilization of any society is based on the system and structure of education; and without any doubt health, comprehensiveness and efficiency of the education system of that society depends on the scope, breadth, diversity and quality of comprehensive educational programs and educational services that are offered to students in regular schools or special classes. We have often seen students who are very similar in terms of learning ability and talent; but there are many differences in their academic achievement. We see these differences not only in school learning but also in other non-academic activities. This aspect of human behavior is related to the field of motivation. Psychologists often see motivation as a process that is involved in motivating, directing, and sustaining behavior. Motivation is the basis of human behavior and the most important factor of various behaviors and in fact the driving force of human activities and their directing factor. Gamification is currently one of the techniques that can increase motivation. Gamification is a new method that has been translated as ‘playmaking’ in some sources and means the use of playful elements and thoughts in areas that are not the nature of the game. Gamification has been one of the topics discussed in recent years, which can be used to increase efficiency and user interaction. Properly applied gamification in educational environments will lead to better learning of users. This study investigates the impact of gamification on educational motivation for mentally disabled students. Methods: This research utilizes a quasi-experiment research method through which pre andpost-tests are organized for two groups of students, i.e., control and experimental. The reserach population covers all mentally challenged students in Kermanshah Providence in Iran. The experiment sample consists of 32 students selected using a convenience sampling method. They randomly formed two groups of 16 as control and experimental. The experimental group was taught by game-based instructions, whereas the control received ordinary lessons in the classroom. For this, a 20 sessions (ordinary and game-based) course were designed for both groups of students. Harter motivation test was used in this research to collect data from the students. The collected data was analyzed using a one-way analysis of covariance. Findings: In the descriptive statistics section, the studied variables were analyzed using statistical index tables, mean and standard deviation; and in the inferential statistics section, the research hypotheses were analyzed using analysis of covariance. According to the results, game-based education has a positive impact on educational motivation for mentally disabled students and the effect size of the Eta squared in research is 0.49 on the internal motivation and 0.51 is the external motive. Conclusions: According to the findings of the analysis of covariance, gamification-based teaching methods have a positive effect on internal and external academic motivation (p <0.01). It is concluded that motivation plays a key role in learning, specifically if the students with mental disabilities join game-based educational environments.
F. Hassani Jafari; A. Abbasi
Background and Objectives: Information and communication technology has created significant developments in all aspects of individual and collective life, so that in education it has brought birth and growth of e-learning, virtual and smart school One of the principles of e-learning processes is an independent ...
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Background and Objectives: Information and communication technology has created significant developments in all aspects of individual and collective life, so that in education it has brought birth and growth of e-learning, virtual and smart school One of the principles of e-learning processes is an independent learning that requires an independent learning training. The aim of this research was to provide students with opportunities to perform more productive interactions and develop their learning skills and to learn independently. The study compares self-regulatory skills and motivation of students in regular and electronic schools in the academic year 2017-2018. The research is applied considering its goal. Materials: The present study consisted of all 12-grade male students of natural sciences in district 4 of Qom City, consisting 1,600 students who were selected based on random sampling method. The number of students was determined based on Morgan Table and 165 people were selected in e-schools and 142 in normal schools. The research instruments are two self-regulatory skills questionnaires which are organized in two parts: motivational beliefs and self-regulated learning strategies. Cognitive strategies consisted of repetition review, expansion strategy, organization strategy and comprehension strategy. Metacognitive strategies included planning, control, monitoring and regulation strategies; and other part, motivational beliefs included self-efficacy, goal orientation, internal evaluation and test anxiety. Hermes motivation questionnaire that differentiates people who need high progress and those who have low progression needs was also used. The results of the study were analyzed by analysis of variance and t-tests. Findings: Considering the first hypothesis, the value of t was equal to 0.289 and the significance level was 0.003, and thus it is concluded that the mean of the academic achievement motivation scores in e-school is higher than normal school. With respect to the second hypothesis, considering that the value of t was 0.161 and the significance level was 0.002, it can be concluded that the average scores of using the cognitive strategies of smart school are higher than normal schools. Considering the third hypothesis, since the value of t is equal to 1.247 and the significance level of 0.000 was reported, it is shown that the average scores of using the metacognitive strategies of e-school are higher than the normal school. Conclusion: using electronic learning tools in schools leads to improved self - regulation skills and motivation in students. E-schools provide good opportunities for self-motivated and active learning and engagement the learning process. The results of this research is in line with the results of other studies that the use of e-learning in schools has a significant effect on metacognitive skills (planning, monitoring, control and comprehension) and cognitive strategies (repetition, review, development and comprehension) in students and plays a great role in academic motivation and academic success. Electronic schools with the acquisition of modern tools of learning technology in deepening and understanding learning resulted in improving the process of information processing, the possibility of repeating and reviewing the learning content, the development of perceptual processes and solving it from various strategies and management of time and control, and planning of learning and learning activities in students.
Educational Technology Psychology
A. Mahmoudabadi; H. Nadimi
Preserving the students’ educational motivation and satisfaction of teaching methods has a considerable influence on their educational success. Therefore, finding effective strategies to enhance students’ educational motivation and satisfaction of teaching methods is considered as one of ...
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Preserving the students’ educational motivation and satisfaction of teaching methods has a considerable influence on their educational success. Therefore, finding effective strategies to enhance students’ educational motivation and satisfaction of teaching methods is considered as one of the most important educational priorities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of utilizing the capabilities of caricature on the students’ educational motivation and satisfaction of the teaching methods. The participants were the students of Yazd Payame Noor University. Nineteen students participated in the learning program utilizing caricature through textbook and PowerPoint slides and 18 students took part in the instructional program based on the lecture. The course of “consistency” with the subject of “strength of the metal structures” was taught using the two mentioned approaches. The classes were randomly assigned to these educational programs. The data were collected in the two stages of pretest and posttest using the summarized version of Mac Innerni and Sinclaire standard questionnaire of educational motivation. Moreover, after the treatment, the students were asked several direct questions about their overall satisfaction from the educational programs. The data were analyzed using t-test, Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney statistical tests. The findings indicated that comparing the two approaches, teaching with utilization of caricature can enhance the students’ educational motivation and satisfaction of the teaching methods.
Technology-based learning environments
Kh. Rashid; A. Zakeri; A. Salahshoori; R. Kord Noughabi
The educational motivation plays an important role in the classroom learning. But a careful research in this field has not been done yet in Iran. In this research، we try to study the relations among different factors like individual، family، social، and school with educational motivation. The research ...
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The educational motivation plays an important role in the classroom learning. But a careful research in this field has not been done yet in Iran. In this research، we try to study the relations among different factors like individual، family، social، and school with educational motivation. The research sample included 1015 persons (445 girls & 570 boys) of high school students in Mazandaran province. In this research the samples were selected by a combination sampling( simple & cluster) and completed two questionnaires one of which was Noviki-Streakland and the other was made by the authors The collected data were analyzed by SPSS programs while Pearson correlation coefficient along with regression analysis were utilized. The research results reveal positive significant corrections between student’s motivation and the individual factors، the institutional factors، and، the social factors. Social- economic status of student’s families، however، did not show any significant correlations with motivations; while other family factors were found to be important. We can conclude that the student learning motivation is not a purely internal and psychological phenomenon but is much related to external factors such as social، institutional، and individual factors.