Technology-based learning environments
R. Pirouzmand; M. Rostaminezhad; N. Mohammadhasani; M. Ayati
Background and Objectives: Recent advances in computer technology, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality technology have enabled instructional designers to create on-screen pedagogical agents in multimedia learning environments. But what is needed is research on how to make pedagogical agents ...
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Background and Objectives: Recent advances in computer technology, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality technology have enabled instructional designers to create on-screen pedagogical agents in multimedia learning environments. But what is needed is research on how to make pedagogical agents more effective in improving learning at the highest possible level for learners. Therefore, what is currently important in the field of research on animated pedagogical agents is increasing the efficiency of pedagogical agents by using supporting strategies. The important point in the priority of choosing among the types of supporting strategies is to pay attention to the individual differences of learners, which determines the necessity of using different types of strategies. Among the individual differences that can affect the learning and processing of learners and need to be considered by designers in educational design is the difference in the cognitive style of learners considering the importance of individual differences in the design of educational content; also, considering the importance of visual attention in the process of receiving and processing educational content, the present research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of visual signaling by the animated pedagogical agent on the attention of students with field-dependent cognitive style in a multimedia learning environment.Methods: The current study was applied research and a single-subject quasi-experimental design, and A-B-A design with follow-up was used in it. First, grouped embedded figure test (GEFT) was conducted and three students with field-dependent cognitive style who had the conditions to participate in the experiment were selected. Then, in the baseline stage, the participants were exposed to English grammar training during 8 sessions using multimedia with animated pedagogical agent, and the eye tracking data of the participants were collected at the same time. Afterwards, the participants were exposed to English grammar training for 8 sessions in the test stage using multimedia with animated pedagogical agent along with visual signaling and the desired data were collected according to the previous phase. The stage of returning to the baseline was also done for 8 sessions, like the baseline stage. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used for data analysis using SPSS software and visual chart analysis.Findings: The findings of the research showed that, with the addition of visual signaling to the animated pedagogical agent, the attention of the learner with field-dependent cognitive style increased to the educational content (F=42.09, p=0.001). Also, the examination of the visual diagrams in the present study showed, the back and forth of the learners' attention between the content and the pedagogical agent in the intervention situation was effective and targeted.Conclusion: Considering the positive effect of accompanying visual signaling with animated pedagogical agent on the attention of learners with a field-dependent cognitive style, the design of educational multimedia together with animated pedagogical agent with visual signaling can be used as useful educational content for learners with this cognitive style. Also, considering the positive effect of simultaneous visual signaling with verbal and non-verbal cues of the pedagogical agent, on the targeting of the selection process, in learners with cognitive style dependent on the field, it is recommended to use the sum of verbal and non-verbal cues of the pedagogical agent in the design and compilation of multimedia educational contents.
Electronic learning- virtual
S. Khojasteh
Background and 1Objectives: The need for virtual education has been always felt due to its advantages compared to traditional education, and during the outbreak of Covid-19 and the absence of students in universities, the necessity of this type of education increased. The aim of the current research ...
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Background and 1Objectives: The need for virtual education has been always felt due to its advantages compared to traditional education, and during the outbreak of Covid-19 and the absence of students in universities, the necessity of this type of education increased. The aim of the current research was to investigate the effectiveness of virtual education on procrastination and concentration and attention of students of Payame Noor University in Kerman during the Covid-19 pandemic.Methods: The current research method was semi-experimental using control and experimental groups. The statistical population was about 4000 students of different fields of Payame Noor University in Kerman. The sample size included 40 students who were diagnosed procrastinator through the pre-test and had a certain lack of attention and concentration. The sample was selected using convenience sampling procedures and the subjects were randomly assigned to two control and experimental groups. Also, these two groups were homogenized as much as possible in terms of academic term and age. The data collection tools in this research were two standard attention deficit disorder questionnaires by Swanson and Nolan Pelham (1980) and the academic procrastination scale by Solomon and Rothblum (1984). In the current study, the calculated Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the academic procrastination scale is estimated to be 0.86, which showed that it was at an acceptable level. Pre-test and post-test were conducted for each group before and after training. Virtual training in the form of a research method class was held in a virtual educational environment by Adobe Connect software using PowerPoint online in 12 sessions(2-hour) for the experimental group. Descriptive and inferential statistics in the form of tables and figures, as well as covariance analysis, Levine's test, and Shapiro-Wilks test were used to analyze the data. The subjects of the experimental group received the research method course in 12 sessions(2-hour) virtually, while the students of the control group were trained in the traditional way.Findings: The findings of the research showed that virtual education was effective on academic procrastination and the concentration and attention of Payame Noor University students. It means that virtual education could reduce procrastination and increase attention and concentration among the students.Conclusion: Due to the high flexibility of virtual education, students can learn according to their conditions and based on mental preparation, which prevents distraction and reduces interfering factors in concentration. It is also suggested that educational programs such as workshops are designed in order to improve the awareness and ability to use virtual education as an effective educational tool and also to improve the quality of hardware. Therefore, in addition to creating a culture in this field, there is a need to try to increase the level of knowledge and improve the quality of the required facilities and equipment. Therefore, it is suggested that due to the wide and complex topics of university courses and in order to reduce procrastination and increase the attention of students, the virtual education method be considered along with face-to-face education in the universities all across the country, especially after the end of the Covid-19 disease.