Education technology -training course
Investigating educational technology of wood science and technology in technical/vocational schools

H. Rangavar; A.A. Khallaghi; A. Nasri Fakhredavoud

Volume 11, Issue 3 , July 2017, , Pages 193-207

  Principled instruction and appropriate combination of science and technology in technical/vocational schools have a crucial role in industrial boom and job opportunity creation of the country. In this regard, the compatibility of syllabuses of technical/vocational courses with the needs of the industry ...  Read More

A Study of Meeting Curriculum Content the Workplace Needs from the Viewpoint of Employers and Educators in Wood Industry Discipline in Vocational Education and Training Print

M. Farhangi; M. Ghofrani; A. KHalaghi

Volume 7, Issue 2 , April 2013, , Pages 87-95

  Ministry of Education established vocational education and training at high school level to provide skilled workers for different sections of industry. To understand the extent to which vocational schools provide truly competent workforce and meet the industry needs، its curriculum content and educational ...  Read More