Technology-based learning environments
F. Khalvandi; SR. Emadi; MA. Omrani
Background and Objectives: Managing the e-learning environment means emphasizing on the design and implementation of those strategies that, on one hand, help to fulfill the mission and goals of the education system, and on the other hand, lead to effective learning. This term refers to a new set of knowledge ...
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Background and Objectives: Managing the e-learning environment means emphasizing on the design and implementation of those strategies that, on one hand, help to fulfill the mission and goals of the education system, and on the other hand, lead to effective learning. This term refers to a new set of knowledge and skills in the field of optimal use of the electronic learning environment advantages and capabilities with a futuristic approach. It aims to prepare the mentality and skill power of learners for the changes and developments that occur as the result of the entry of information and communication technology into the field of education. Since the design and creation of practical and useful models for managing electronic learning environment in education system can play an important role in the realization of educational goals, the current research was conducted with the aim of designing a conceptual model for managing electronic learning environment in schools.Methods: This study was practical by purpose and conducted with a mixed-method approach by means of sequential exploratory design. In a way that by using the qualitative method, firstly the pattern or the research conceptual framework was obtained, and then the desired model was validated by quantitative method. In the qualitative part, the statistical population included university professors of Tehran in the field of educational technology and educational administration. Based on targeted snowball method of sampling and theoretical saturation, 17 people were selected. The data collection tool in the quantitative phase was a semi-structured interview. Participating experts assessed the face and content validity of the quantitative tool and its reliability was calculated by the Holsti’s coefficient as 0.92. In the quantitative part, by census method of sampling, all 114 outstanding teachers, experts and educational technologists of Shahindej Department of Education were selected and finally 103 completed the questionnaires. A researcher-made questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale was developed including 56 items based on the indicators identified in the qualitative stage. To measure the validity of the questionnaire, in addition to the face and content validity done by experts, the Average Variance Extracted Index (AVE) was used which its value calculated as to be above 0.6. The reliability of the instrument was measured by the two criteria of Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability, which in both criteria, the values were higher than 0.8. Findings: In the qualitative phase, by using the thematic analysis and open, axial and selective coding method of Strauss and Corbin, 4 dimensions, 15 components and 56 indicators were identified and then primary conceptual model of electronic learning environment management was proposed. The four dimensions of model along with their components were “Teaching-learning process" with the components of active learning, teacher's role, learning styles, learning motivation, evaluation methods, "Teaching content" with the components of content suitability, content production, content quality, content presentation, "Curriculum design" with the components of constructivist approach, problem-oriented learning, socialization of learners and "Levels of interactions" with the components of teacher-learner, learner-learner, teacher-parents. Validating the proposed model by using the structural equation modeling method with the help of software (Smart PLS) showed that the proposed model had the required validity.Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be stated that the management of the electronic learning environment is a holistic approach aiming to identify and design strategies that create active learning among the learners. Creating an integrated and effective management system in the e-learning environment can help to make the e-learning system more efficient and makes its activities transparent. The use of appropriate mechanisms in the management of the electronic learning environment, by specifying the current and desirable state of the electronic education system, helps to reveal the opportunities and challenges that this system faces and to provide a basis for the correction and improvement of the existing trends and the promotion and excellence of the future states of the electronic education system.
Technology-based learning environments
S.R. Emadi; A. Mokhtarisami
Background and Objectives: The present age is called the age of communication and the most prominent symbol of that is the media. Today, educators, especially teachers, strive to use a variety of media to improve teaching and learning so that they can provide students with most information in an effective ...
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Background and Objectives: The present age is called the age of communication and the most prominent symbol of that is the media. Today, educators, especially teachers, strive to use a variety of media to improve teaching and learning so that they can provide students with most information in an effective way in the shortest possible time. In many domestic and foreign studies, infographics have been introduced as one of the most effective media in the field of education and researchers in many studies have found that infographics can improve academic performance in normal students and facilitate learning in students with disabilities. In this study, we try to examine the effect of using an infographic in the learning environment based on the Glasersfeld model on the level of motivation, learning, and retention in the fifth grade of the social studies course. This research is practical in terms of purpose.Methods: This study was quasi-experimental in terms of research method, using pre-test and post-test design with separate experimental and control groups. The sample was comprised of 30 fifth-grade students randomly divided into two groups of 15, i.e., the control group and the experimental group. Researcher-made tests as that were used as the main methodological instruments administered for eliciting data in this study were validated by the comments of the experts in this field, the educational technology professors, and the thesis supervisor. Moreover, the Cronbach alpha and scholars’ assessment methods were employed to measure the reliability of multiple choice tests and open-ended question types, respectively. In addition, to analyze the data collected in the study, both descriptive statistics (that is, mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis) and inferential statistics (that is, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, T test, Analysis of Covariance( were used by applying the SPSS software.Findings: The results of this study revealed that the amount of learning and retention of the students who were trained with the help of an infographic in the learning environment based on the Glasersfeld model was statistically significant as compared to that of those students who have not used infographics in the social studies course (p<0.05). But with respect to motivation, since P = 0.87 and F = 0.02, no significant difference was observed between the two groups and the hypothesis was not confirmed (P> 0.05).Conclusion: An effective education is one that can attract the attention of students and keep them involved and active in the learning process. Infographics are tools that provide information in the forms of both text and image, enabling learners to use their full capacity for cognition which actually leads to more and better teaching-learning. An infographic is the visualization of information or ideas that convey complex information to the audience in a way that is too fast and easily comprehensible and, therefore, easily retrievable. Since infographics simplify difficult materials, they are very helpful in learning and memorizing complex and difficult lessons. In the teaching method with infographics in a learning environment based on the Glasersfeld model, conditions are provided for the learners to be involved in education and actively build knowledge and be able to visualize complex and difficult content in a simple, concise, and structured way in their minds.