Emerging educational technologies
A. Afshari; F. Karvan; J. Mahdinejad
Background and Objectives: One of the important approaches in education is cognitive theories. Despite many applications in the field of cognitive approach development in design education, there are still challenges. The cognitive approach deals with the scientific study of mental processes such as thinking, ...
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Background and Objectives: One of the important approaches in education is cognitive theories. Despite many applications in the field of cognitive approach development in design education, there are still challenges. The cognitive approach deals with the scientific study of mental processes such as thinking, understanding, problem solving and reasoning. In the field of education, the teaching method in the cognitive approach is related to cognitive strategies. Cognitive strategies are processes with the help of which learning, remembering, and thinking take place. Therefore, cognition and cognitive strategies play a very important role in the teaching and learning process. Different models and cognitive strategies are used in education. In the current research, three models of learning mental map, problem solving and breath of thinking were discussed. The purpose of this research was to design and validate the cognitive education method in architecture based on problem-oriented learning patterns, mind map and expansion of thinking and its effect on architecture students' ideation.Methods: The current research is of a mixed type (qualitative and quantitative) and in terms of time it is a cross-sectional study. The method of collecting information in the present research was library and field method. In this study, cognitive model training is considered as an independent variable and students' ideation as a dependent variable. First, various sources were examined and the components of the cognitive educational model were identified using the content analysis method, and then the components were finally approved using the Delphi method and the judges' opinions. In the external validation phase, a semi-experimental method was used with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population included professors of the department of architecture and educational technology and architecture students of Hamadan branch of Azad University. The sampling method in this research was available. In the group of professors, 12 people were selected for the internal validity of the model with the available method. 50 architecture students of design course 3 were replaced as samples in two experimental and control groups. Based on this, 25 people were randomly assigned to the experimental group and 25 people were assigned to the control group. The model of cognitive training was presented to the experimental group in a period of 10 weeks and every week in a 90-minute training session. The method of implementing the cognitive education model was that students were taught in the form of an educational program during the design course semester using different cognitive models in multiple sessions. Data analysis was done using Spss software version 22.Findings: The results of developing the combined cognitive education model showed that this model included 7 categories and 57 components. The internal validity of the model was checked by Delphi method, 11 components were removed and Kendall's correlation coefficient was 0.82 based on the opinion of 12 judges for the components of the model, which was significant at the 0.01 level. In the field of external validity, the results of covariance analysis showed that education based on the developed model has a significant effect on students' ideation.Conclusion: The cognitive educational model Problem-based learning, mental map and breath’s thinking in the bachelor's degree in architecture consists of 3 axes, 7 categories and 46 components. The three main axes or educational goals included content, teaching method and evaluation. The content axis included three categories (strategies based on previous knowledge, based on Problem-based learning and breath’s thinking). The axis of teaching or learning method included two categories (interactive and individual) and the axis of evaluation included two categories (process-oriented and result-oriented). The internal and external validity of the model was examined and the results confirmed its validity. Based on this, it can be suggested that the current model be used in the teaching of architectural design courses.
J. Mahdinezhad; B. Ssaleh Sedghpour; R. Najjari
Background and Objective:In tracing the recent crises of contemporary architecture, one of the roots of this crisis is the lack of attention and learning from traditional architecture in the educational system. Architecture education in Iran has been codified in the form of uniform programs, which has ...
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Background and Objective:In tracing the recent crises of contemporary architecture, one of the roots of this crisis is the lack of attention and learning from traditional architecture in the educational system. Architecture education in Iran has been codified in the form of uniform programs, which has overshadowed architecture. Fixed and uniform programs in higher education in architecture, in the field of architectural activity, have paid little attention to traditional architecture, which can be understood by going through the city and looking at the buildings built in recent years. In order to formulate an organized system for teaching architecture in educational centers, it is necessary to know the basic effective principles in architectural education. In educational processes, the relationship between traditional and modern education is decisive. The purpose of this relationship, in addition to the transfer of information, is to gain in-depth knowledge that is more important than the exact meaning of the message sent. In order to define the specific features of scientific communication, modern concepts in the form of new perspectives on educational methods should be used. This gives rise to new theories of communication that incorporate different ways of recognizing, learning, and transmitting information in order to make non-interrelationships between modern and traditional education. Learning from the potential of traditional architecture, especially Bazaars is helping to design modern commercial-social spaces in today's urban space. To create effective and dynamic urban spaces, that are in harmony with the social, cultural, environmental, physical, psychological and economic needs of the society people has always been the interest of, architects and urban planners. The purpose of this study is to construct, validate, stabilize and standardize the scale of socialization in traditional Bazaar. Methods: The construction of socialization -related items was conducted through an open interview selected by open and central coding, and after review, and evaluation of validity and reliability, 58 items were presented for the participants by eliminating problematic issues. The sample size is 326 which have been selected by random cluster sampling. In order to evaluate the internal coordination of the questions, differential coefficient method and to validate, the exploratory factor analysis, has been done. Finally, the normative table was presented for the main factors. Findings: Considering the results of the research, it can be concluded that this questionnaire has a proper validity and justifiability, and the factors that can be extracted from the factor analysis can measure the learning of traditional architecture. Conclusion: The findings indicate an acceptable initial validity and reliability for the sociability scale. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, exploratory factor analysis was used, which indicates the extraction of 12 components: Culture and belief, new business centers, activity-behavioral component, functional capability, socio-cultural component of the market, social factor, diversity and visual attractiveness, social mixing, physical component, structural values of place, environmental impact on place, physical quality, access and communication. The scale has sufficient factor load to predict the validation measurement tool, ensuring the degree of sociability.
Modern Educational Approaches
S. Rezaei Ashtiani; J. MahdiNejad
Background and Objective:Architecture education is one of the most important issues in the development of architecture. In this decade, universities and colleges are increasingly committed to effective assessment of students to improve students' learning, and not just giving them a grade. The importance ...
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Background and Objective:Architecture education is one of the most important issues in the development of architecture. In this decade, universities and colleges are increasingly committed to effective assessment of students to improve students' learning, and not just giving them a grade. The importance of examining this issue is that the assessment methods for architectural education systems that are based on design and studio, need more research than other fields. In the field of architectural design, unlike other fields students do not take part in written, descriptive, or multiple choice tests, and it is much more difficult to turn what architecture students offer into a score in comparison to other disciplines. One of the important pillars of education is evaluation. The crit is the most common assessment method and having feedback in architecture. In research on the crit, little attention was paid to the sense and reception of students from the process of evaluation, while being recognized as one of the greatest student's dissatisfaction. The purpose of this research is to understand the students' viewpoints about the current methods of the crit, in addition of studying student designing capability, evaluate the design and process, in a way to judge architectural projects to improve the quality of arbitration and education in this field, شnd provides model for the correct measurement and judgment method, based on goals and design process, relying on criteria which are based on educational objectives. Methods: In this research, 40 undergraduate and postgraduate students at Sure university school of architecture were selected through cluster sampling as focus groups, and experts has been used to weight the criteria by AHP method. Findings: Among them, critical explanation with weight of 38% is more important, after that the development of the chosen idea with 21%, the concept and design solution, with 17% & 14% eventually the final design with 10% is the least important of the five criteria. Conclusion: In order to evaluate the architectural design based on the students' opinion and the previous methods of evaluation, a model was proposed. The proposed pattern correctly plays all four roles of evaluation - feedback, motivator, guide, evaluation-communication. With this model, students are graded based on the quality of their work and this have nothing to do with the performance of other students; and therefore there is no comparison between students. At the same time, because a number is presented in the end, the rank of the student is determined among the other students, while each person's work is compared to his own. In this model, the criteria are defined and prioritized based on the objectives of the course. The proposed model can provide strategies for practitioners of architecture education, such as lecturers and students to enhance their learning
Technology-based learning environments
J. Mahdinejad; M. Damavandi; R. Sirous Sabri; J Abbaspour Asadollah
In this article the influence of the equipped playgrounds has been compared with natural playgrounds. Playing and moving are the main activity in a young child’s life. Allowing children to experience the natural and man-made elements in their living environment generates cognitive and social skills ...
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In this article the influence of the equipped playgrounds has been compared with natural playgrounds. Playing and moving are the main activity in a young child’s life. Allowing children to experience the natural and man-made elements in their living environment generates cognitive and social skills development and increases their educational qualities. Today, In Iran most spaces for children’s plays are inside the houses and many playgrounds are tarmac places with manufactured equipment likes swings and slides. This survey wants to specify the differences between natural playgrounds and equipped playgrounds and wants to answer the following questions: 1- What changes have happened in the children’s relationship with nature?, 2- What are the specifications of a natural playground? 3- What are the differences between an equipped playground and natural playground? This survey was carried out descriptively and the data have been collected from main resources and different samples. The result of this survey shows that the natural playground will develop children’s educational qualities.