Investigating the effect of the yard's environmental quality components on student’s aggressive behavior (Case study: Students of elementary school)

malihe taghipour; aliakbar heidari; Khatereh Sajjadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 23 June 2019

  One of today's social issues is the expansion of behavioral abnormalities in children, which is reflected in aggressive behaviors. Prevention of such behaviors is one of the most important priorities of families and educational institutions. Schools as the first social institution, plays a significant ...  Read More

Learning Environment
Investigating the relationship between satisfaction of environmental factors and students' academic achievement

Hadi Keshmiri; Khatereh Sajjadi

Volume 14, Issue 3 , July 2020, , Pages 533-540

  Background and Objectives: Satisfaction with the environment is one of the human aspirations, in the other words, satisfaction is an ideal concept that provides an appropriate context for empowering individuals and socializing them in order to participate and interfere in their affairs and ultimately ...  Read More

Educational Environment
The role of class interior furniture in improving student learning

Kh. Movahed; Kh. Sajadi

Volume 12, Issue 4 , October 2018, , Pages 365-372

  Background and Objectives:Using the architectural environment as an educational tool requires identifying environmental criteria that affect the quality of users' learning. By recognizing the criteria affecting the arrangement and order of space, we can explain the principles for better design of the ...  Read More