Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 shiraz azad university

2 yasuj university

3 Architecture and Urbanism Research Center, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University of Shiraz, Iran


One of today's social issues is the expansion of behavioral abnormalities in children, which is reflected in aggressive behaviors. Prevention of such behaviors is one of the most important priorities of families and educational institutions. Schools as the first social institution, plays a significant role in promoting social skills and controlling such aggressive behaviors. Accordingly, the study tries to evaluate the impact of the school environment on the reduction of aggressive behaviors in children. Among the spaces in the school, the yard was selected as the most common space, and its spatial-physical characteristics were evaluated in six schools in Shiraz. The research method is descriptive-analytic based on quantitative and qualitative strategies. A semi-structured questionnaire and interview with students and teachers were used. The results indicated that among the various spatial features of the school yard, green area in the yard, as well as the diversity of open and semi-open spaces in the school yard, had the greatest effect on reducing student behavioral disorder.


Main Subjects

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