Education technology - higher education
An evaluation of the effectiveness of two collaborative strategies in Wiki on improving academic writing quality of IELTS

M. Jafarigohar; M. Karami

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2017, , Pages 35-49

  All over the world, many IELTS candidates still experience difficulty in mastering skills needed for academic writing. Collaborative writing in a wiki might be a good way to address this difficulty. Thus, the current study has investigated and compared the effectiveness of the single-author peer-editing ...  Read More

Electronic learning- virtual
Promotion of High School EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Strategies through Dynamic Assessment

M. Jafarigohar; M. Karami

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2016, , Pages 11-24

  Traditional EFL reading assessment has been criticized for providing learners with almost no instructional feedback thus extensively ignoring learning enhancement and learner training. In an attempt to address this gap, the present study was designed to determine whether mediations in a dynamic assessment ...  Read More