Electronic learning- virtual
H. Maghami; F. Asadi; E. Zaraii Zavaraki
Background and Objectives: Traditional teaching methods do not prepare students to live in the 21st century. Students in the 21st century must move beyond the basic knowledge in the subject field and look for more important issues such as acquiring skills. Having self-efficacy skills and creating academic ...
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Background and Objectives: Traditional teaching methods do not prepare students to live in the 21st century. Students in the 21st century must move beyond the basic knowledge in the subject field and look for more important issues such as acquiring skills. Having self-efficacy skills and creating academic conflict by current students are considered as achallenges of the educationl system. Many top universities in advanced countries consider the training of such students at the level of higher education among their goals. Therefore, it is necessary to examine appropriate teaching methods that improve these two skills in learners and use all the available capacities in online education to improve self-efficacy skills and academic engagement, because teaching strategies are changing with the significant advancement of technology. And education should gradually shift its focus from the physical space of the classroom to virtual environments. Project-based learning is a deep and comprehensive learning approach for teaching and learning in the classroom, and it can be combined with e-learning and be used to achieve basic skills such as self-efficacy and academic engagement. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of project-based e-learning on self-efficacy and academic engagement of the sixth-grade students.Methods: The research method was a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population included all the sixth-grade students of Savadkoh in the academic year 2019-2019, among whom, 34 ones (17 ones in the experimental group and 17 ones in the control group) were selected as a sample via the available sampling method. Data collection tools included Appleton et al.'s (2006) academic engagement questionnaire and Jing, and Morgan's (1999) academic self-efficacy questionnaire.Findings: The results showed that there was a clear indication that project-based learning can motivate students to learn and stimulate their self-efficacy and academic engagement for better performance in this field. The findings of the research demonstrated that project-based education in the online environment was generally effective (P<0.05 and F=4.46). In addition, students' academic involvement had a positive effect (P<0.05 and F=7.97).Conclusion: Considering the positive impact of project-based education in the online environment on the effectiveness and academic engagement of students in this research, as well as the increasing popularity of project-based learning, teachers should shift their teaching approaches to project-based education in order to improve education. One of the requirements of this action is empowering teachers in the field of electronic education system and designing appropriate textbooks for learning skills and project-based education. It is also suggested that teachers give students responsibility for learning and assign them active roles, because through project-based learning, they can understand their learning, present their products that show their learning and effort.
Emerging educational technologies
Z. Rashidi; M.R. Nili Ahmadabadi; E. Zaraii Zavaraki; A. Delavar
Background and Objectives: Teachers are considered as one of the most important and vital elements of virtual in-service training, and supporting them is one of the basic elements in the virtual training system. Supporting teachers in the virtual learning environment is one of the key factors in the ...
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Background and Objectives: Teachers are considered as one of the most important and vital elements of virtual in-service training, and supporting them is one of the basic elements in the virtual training system. Supporting teachers in the virtual learning environment is one of the key factors in the success and development of the virtual training system that if it is not continuously provided, it will lead to a waste of capital and a lack of motivation to stay in the virtual learning environment. Support for teachers has different areas, among which we can mention instructional support. In virtual in-service teachers training, instructional support has priority over other different areas of support and is more important. Instructional support is one of the main components affecting the effectiveness of virtual training. Dynamic computer-based scaffolding is one form of instructional support that supports learners in a personalized way. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of dynamic computer-based scaffolding on the effectiveness of virtual in-service teacher training.Methods: This research was conducted in a quasi-experimental way using a pretest-posttest design with an experimental and a control group. The statistical population of this research consisted of elementary school teachers in the academic year of 1401-1402 who applied to participate in virtual in-service training. A total of 30 elementary school teachers were selected as a sample to participate in the research, who were randomly divided into two groups of 15 people, experimental and control. The tool used in this research was a researcher-made questionnaire for the evaluation of virtual in-service teacher training based on Roderick Sims’s developed model. This model has 11 components including educational objectives, content, design and user interface, interaction, evaluation, support services, outcomes quality, organization, management, educational technology and information and communication technology ethics. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts. Also, the reliability of the questionnaire was obtained as Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.82. The experimental group received dynamic computer-based scaffolding during the virtual in-service training, but the virtual in-service training was presented to the control group in the usual way. Descriptive statistics indices (mean and standard deviation) were used for data analysis, and covariance analysis was used in the inferential statistics section.Findings: The results of the research showed that training through dynamic computer-based scaffolding was of significant impact on the effectiveness of virtual in-service teacher training. Also, dynamic computer-based scaffolding in each of the components of the effectiveness of virtual in-service teacher training, including organization and management, educational technology, educational objectives, content, design and user interface, information and communication technology ethics, interaction with the user interface, evaluation, support services and quality of outcomes had a significant effect.Conclusion: In virtual in-service training, dynamic computer-based scaffolding can provide the help and guidance needed by teachers and lead to mastery in learning and helps teachers to play an active role in training. Regardless of this, the use of web-based tools and technologies is emphasized in the studies as long as they can facilitate the performance of learners in learning, and have an effect on the effectiveness of education. Therefore, considering the benefits of dynamic computer-based scaffolding, it is suggested that those involved in virtual in-service teacher training include the design and development of dynamic computer-based scaffolding in their work agenda.
Modern Educational Approaches
Sh. Soleymani; Kh. Aliabadi; I. Zaraii Zavaraki; A. Delavar
Background and Objectives: The need for performance and autonomy in problem-solving styles of learning English grammar for students in the current knowledge-based world is essential. Therefore, the present study aimed to improve it under the flipped learning pattern.Methods: The present study is applied ...
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Background and Objectives: The need for performance and autonomy in problem-solving styles of learning English grammar for students in the current knowledge-based world is essential. Therefore, the present study aimed to improve it under the flipped learning pattern.Methods: The present study is applied and quasi-experimental research. The statistical population consisted of 380 people in a purposeful and accessible manner among all students registered in the Aladdin English Short-Term Specialized Training Center between 2018 and 2020. The criterion for selecting language learners was random substitution and exclusion criteria were the pre-test and post-test questionnaires where learners did not fully answer the questions or some items. Finally, the participants were 220 people divided into two groups, control (N=110) and experimental (N=110). To collect the required data, Cassidy & Long's (1996) problem-solving questionnaire was used with 24 questions set on a three-point scale (yes, no, and I do not know) measuring six factors. Participants in the control and experimental groups first completed the questionnaire as a pre-test. Then, the instructor used the usual teaching methods in the control group, which all instructors in language centers use Flipped classroom method was implemented in the experimental group. The instructor used this method for 16 months in 10 courses (5 courses for each experimental and control group). Each course consisted of 39 sessions of 90 minutes (58.5 hours), two sessions per week, or 20 sessions of 180 minutes (60 hours), one session per week held only on fridays by one instructor. The instructor asked students some questions about the previous lesson to measure their' knowledge and solve their problems at the beginning of the new session and took a pre-test based on the content of the new session. Researchers utilized a repeated measurement test and T-test of a sample to answer the research questions.Findings: Findings indicated the effect of this teaching method on improving the students’ performance and autonomy in solving the problem of learning English grammar under the flipped learning pattern.Conclusion: The results showed the value and acceptability of the pattern along with traditional teaching methods and its impact on the performance and autonomy of problem-solving styles of learning English grammar among the students. It seemed to increase learners' confidence, too. Implementing the same research in different courses of different academic disciplines is suggested for future research.
D. Rahimi Kinchaa; A Abbaspour; M. Taheri; E. Zaraii Zavaraki; A. Khorsandi
Background and Objectives: The professional development of the faculty members of universities and higher education institutions is the key to improving the quality of higher education. If the faculty members have the desired level of professional growth and development, then it can be expected that ...
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Background and Objectives: The professional development of the faculty members of universities and higher education institutions is the key to improving the quality of higher education. If the faculty members have the desired level of professional growth and development, then it can be expected that the other resources of the university will be used well and continuous quality improvement will occur in various activities and missions of the university. Over the past few years, online education has received increasing attention in higher education. Numerous aspects of university education, such as staff training, curriculum and professional development have been influenced by online learning processes. In this situation, most universities and higher education institutions have moved towards offering online courses. With the development of online education, the need of the faculty members to develop and teach online courses increases. It is, therefore, essential that the methods to improve the professional development of faculty members who teach online courses can be identified and used. Preparing and providing online courses for university professors can be very different from the traditional face-to-face teaching models. University professors need to change the way content is presented through the curriculum and the type of students’ assignments. To provide effective online courses, empowerment and professional development of faculty members who teach in these courses are of particular importance. Providing and implementing continuous professional development programs for faculty members help to improve the quality of online education. The aim of this study was to investigate the needs and challenges of the professional development of the faculty members of Allameh Tabataba'i University in online teaching and the relationship between demographic characteristics of professors and their needs and challenges in online teaching. Methods: This research was conducted quantitatively, using the descriptive-analytic technique. The research population included the faculty members of Allameh Tabataba'i University, 113 of whom were selected from 10 different faculties in an accessible basis. To collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. Its validity was determined by experts and its reliability was determined by Cronbach's alpha 0.849. Findings: The results of this study showed that there is a significant difference between the age, academic status, and years of teaching experience of the faculty members on the one hand, and their needs and challenges in online teaching, on the other hand. Moreover, no meaningful relationship was found between the gender, years of online teaching experience of the faculty members, on the one hand, and their needs and challenges in online teaching, on the other hand. These challenges were categorized under three general components: the use of technology, attitude to online teaching, and administrative support. Conclusion: Regarding the needs and challenges of professional development of faculty members in online teachingthe needs and challenges of faculty members in relation to online teaching can be determined by using literature review and concerns-based adoption model. To ensure the successful implementation of online teaching, the professional development challenges of the faculty members who are teaching online should be considered and examined. Based on the findings of this research, from the perspective of the faculty members, the use of technology, the attitudes to online teaching, and administrative support, respectively, have priority in determining the needs and challenges of the faculty members in online teaching.
Mobile learning
S. Mosa Ramezani; E. Zaraii Zavaraki; M.R. Nili; A. Delavar; M. Farajollahi
Background and Objective:Mobile learning is a subset of e-learning and focuses on the use of portable learning tools. This method of learning allows learning regardless of time and place. In learning, students are able to learn from a variety of sources around the world. This enrichment leads to effective ...
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Background and Objective:Mobile learning is a subset of e-learning and focuses on the use of portable learning tools. This method of learning allows learning regardless of time and place. In learning, students are able to learn from a variety of sources around the world. This enrichment leads to effective and meaningful learning. In addition, learners in this environment can change their learning environment and use a variety of learning experiences. The role of social (communication) and managerial processes (teaching and classroom skills) is also important in this regard. The purpose of this research is Impact use of education model based on mobile learning environments on Social peresence and teaching peresence for Smart schools students in mathematical lesson. Methods: in this research goal, a mixed methods research was used. In this research we used quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. Research statistical population included all girl students studying in Tehran Smart schools. In order to select the sample size using multi-stage cluster sampling method from among smart schools in Tehran, one school was selected and finally 15 people were in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used to test the first and second hypotheses of the study. Findings: The results showed that the application of this model was effective on all dimensions of social presence and teaching presence in the experimental group compared to the control group (in the post-test). Conclusion:. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of the application of mobile learning model based on social presence and attendance of smart school learners in mathematics. The results of the analysis of research data indicate that the application of mobile learning model has a positive effect on social presence and the presence of smart school students teaching in mathematics. Students in the mobile learning management system scored higher than the other group trained in the traditional environment. This indicates the effectiveness of the environment designed for mobile learning in terms of social presence and teaching.
M. Zareei; E. Zaraii Zavaraki; Kh. Ali Abadi; A. Delavar
Background and Objective: The opportunity to participate and interact more in the learning process on social media is a good incentive to use alternative social media tools, in addition to the usual LMS. In contrast, when using Web 2.0 tools such as social media, the learner is placed in a learning community ...
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Background and Objective: The opportunity to participate and interact more in the learning process on social media is a good incentive to use alternative social media tools, in addition to the usual LMS. In contrast, when using Web 2.0 tools such as social media, the learner is placed in a learning community that can reach a high level of meaning making and knowledge/skill building through interaction with peers and content. Communication formed on social networks provides the basis for the implementation of communication and defines education in terms of interactions in a network in which students exchange their knowledge; Therefore, social media represents a good option to be used as an additional learning resource. Hence, the creation and development of a scientific and trusted social network that can cover the educational needs of the learners and teachers in a digital society and is always available to users is felt. On the other hand, the legal requirements of higher documents such as the 1/17 solution of Fundamental Document of Change of Education that states the filling of the digital divide between educational areas and schools, unveils the need to create a social network of Iranian schools as a suitable platform for key users of learning-teaching environment. Therefore, in order to design a virtual social network model in schools, it is necessary to identify the main and sub-components of this model. The purpose of this study was to compile a model for desiging a virtual social network for Iranian schools. Methods This reseach utilized a mixed– quantitative and qualitative – method, and it was carried out with an exploratory design. The study population in the qualitative phase included the accessible 45 written and electronic documents in English and Persian selected by using purposive sampling. Data collection and analysis were done using inductive content analysis method. The quantitative phase was performed using a survey. The study population included the educational technology specialists of Iran from which a sample of 30 educational technology professors and Ph.D. Candidates were selected on an accessible basis. To collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used, the validity and reliability of which was determined by professional assessment and by Cronbach’s alpha (0.86), respectively. To analyze the data, a single-sample t-test was employed. Findings: The findings of the study led to the identification of four main features: network learning, network facilitation, network moderation, network technology, as well as sixteen sub-features, which were functionally and semantically similar to the main features. The results also showed that the extracted model has a high internal validity. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, integrating the existing social netwroks into the present LMSs as a learning environemtn can support network learning in alignment with cultural-constructivism and communicativism. In this context, it defines the active roles in the learning environment in accordance with their functions in this era. Regarding the results of the research hypothesis, it can be concluded that, the extracted model, which includes components such as network learning, network facilitation, network management, and network technology, makes it possible to support student learning in the context of network technology. These components make it possible to implement model patterns in schools. The clear and distinct definitions of the components lead to an accurate understanding of the users and their comprehensiveness. Therefore, the model in question was valid from the point of view of experts who had practical knowledge about the use of social networks in learning.