A. Movahhedi Nasab; A. Assareh; G.A. Ahmadi; J. Hatami
Background and Objective: One of the most important parts of the educational system of any country is its technical and vocational education, and this type of education is one of the basic policies of countries to train skilled and semi-skilled efficient manpower. Training of human resources in ...
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Background and Objective: One of the most important parts of the educational system of any country is its technical and vocational education, and this type of education is one of the basic policies of countries to train skilled and semi-skilled efficient manpower. Training of human resources in order to develop efficient and effective human resources is one of its important tasks. The role of technical and vocational education in comparison with theoretical education is very vital in the sense that it provides the manpower needed by countries at the pre-university level. Because the main core of technical and vocational education and skills training is the relationship between these trainings and the labor market. Since there is an increasing possibility of development in the sectors of industry, agriculture and services in the country, education and training of human resources in the technical and professional fields is one of the basic requirements of the country's development. As stated in the report of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for sustainable development, human-centered development and the key to it is technical and vocational education. The purpose of this study was to pathology of the new curriculum of electrotechnical field of the technical and vocational education branch. Methods: This research is practical in purpose and is done using the mixed-research method. The statistical population includes all of the educational managers, electrotechnical teachers and 11th grade students of electrotechnical field in Yazd province at the academic year 96-97. A census method was used to select the quantitative part sample and the qualitative part sample selected with a purposive sampling method. In order to gather data, three researcher-made questionnaires, observation and semi-structured interview was used. The questionnaires’s validity was confirmed by 4 professors. Theirs reliability was obtained by Cronbach’s alpha method and confirmed. data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings:The results showed that the electrotechnical new curriculum was estimated relatively desirable from the viewpoint of educational managers and students and relatively undesirable from the viewpoint of teachers. But the workshop equipment and educational facilities, the teachers’ awareness of the upper documents and guidances and in-service course educations was estimated relatively undesirable. Also the instructional time, students’learning activities and students’ readiness from the viewpoint of the teachers was estimated relatively undesirable. Conclusion: In the present study, the new curriculum of technical and vocational education of secondary school in the field of electrotechnics in Yazd province was studied both in terms of Klein curriculum elements and other influential elements. Then, based on qualitative observations and interviews, the current situation of each component was described and some of the most important causes of injury in each component were mentioned.
Curriculum Planning
M. Yousefi; A. Assareh; A. Hoseini Khah
Background and Objective:Reflecting on different societies and despite the claim of progress in the fields of education, technology, society, etc., there are still many problems in human relations, civil relations and inefficiency of individuals. With this explanation, the question arises as to whether ...
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Background and Objective:Reflecting on different societies and despite the claim of progress in the fields of education, technology, society, etc., there are still many problems in human relations, civil relations and inefficiency of individuals. With this explanation, the question arises as to whether various advances have not been able to be used in practice. Has the development of education and technology not been in the public and real interests of human beings? Is education not adapted to the needs of society? Have various developments not found operational ground? And perhaps there are many other questions that can be asked about this. But with a little care it can be seen that each of these factors is rooted in a major cause, and that is the type of education and educational goals. The widespread objection of educational theorists is that learners in traditional systems seldom have the opportunity to learn something in-depth through the transfer of subject matter. At the present time, however, efforts should be made to lay the foundation for children's intellectual skills in the very early years of childhood and to shape their personalities so that they can look to their future with an open, independent and selective attitude. To this end, all available potentials and facilities such as teachers, students, parents, peers, learning environment and community around the school should be used to provide the desired indicators as much as possible. The goal of this article is about explain and analysis of project based curriculum. This study has considered rationale of project based learning in different aspects. Methods: In attention to the main goal of research and also rational of curriculum that is defined based on its basics, principles, and messages, so the fivefold questions of research include how defined the philosophical, psychological, and social basics of project based learning and the same time it considered its message and principles. In order to reach to analyze and explain of above aim applied research syntheses in which selected, contextualized, and categorized researches related to project based learning with a regular method. In the next step selected 101 researches which had objective criteria, then based on syntheses principles, rethinking, data rearrangement presented combination of their findings. Findings:Researcher with the help of research and with identifying of philosophical, psychological, and social basics of project based learning and drawing of message and principles of this kind of learning tried to analysis and explain rationale of project based curriculum. Conclusion: A study of previous research has shown that a direct study of project-based learning has not been conducted in the form of a curriculum. Most project-based research has been in the fields of agriculture, architecture, or project management. Although it has been considered in a few cases in formal education, it has been studied more as a teaching method and has dealt with only one element and not the whole curriculum
Curriculum Planning
G.A. Ahmady; H. Sheikholeslami; A. Assareh; E. Reyhani
Background and Objective:The role of mathematics in various fields of science and technology and its usefulness in improving human life has been so effective and irreplaceable that it has been called the mother of sciences. Therefore, the development and improvement of mathematics curricula has always ...
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Background and Objective:The role of mathematics in various fields of science and technology and its usefulness in improving human life has been so effective and irreplaceable that it has been called the mother of sciences. Therefore, the development and improvement of mathematics curricula has always been on the agenda of curriculum planners. In such a way that these programs can provide more and more ground for the development of process, skills and attitudes of learners in mathematics and they lead to the growth and development of their understanding and logical reasoning. Therefore, achieving the goals of mathematics education should be monitored in different ways. International tests that are conducted for this purpose are designed and implemented to measure the mathematical literacy of students in participating countries and indicate the sensitivity of educational systems to the performance of students' mathematical performance. This paper evaluates the curriculum of 10th grade mathematics from the perspective of the respective teachers working in Tehran, Iran. Methods: The research is based on Aker’s curriculum elements and it also has emphasis on the mathematics context-based approach. The method is descriptive background study. The tool for the research is a self-constructed questionnaire which has been validated with the content validation method. The Cornbach’s alpha test has been utilized to test the consistency of the questionnaire which resulted in value equal to 0.910. The statistics sample size is equal to people all of which has been working as teachers throughout the 2017 academic year. To attain samples, we utilized multistage cluster sampling that carried out on a sample of 111 respective teachers. One sample t-test was used to answer the research question. Findings: The results reveal that the answer to the 6 research question were negative. That is, in curriculum of 10th grade mathematics have not been noticed to the context-based mathematical curriculum elements. Conclusion: Evaluative studies are the bases of change and transformation of curricula. Changing math curricula to a performance-based approach and link of school mathematics to everyday life and students' experiences can reveal the usefulness of mathematics to them. In this way, the interest and motivation of learning in learners increases. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct other research in the theoretical dimension to formulate the theoretical foundations of this approach in accordance with the culture of the country, so that using these fundamentals, extract principles to design appropriate mathematics curriculum. Also, in practical aspect, it is suggested that the organization of the content of the tenth human mathematics textbook be changed so that the book begins with an issue of students' daily lives to help students recreate mathematical concepts. Changing the content organization requires taking the time to teach as well as educating teachers so that they can guide students during the modeling process.