Electronic learning- virtual
Meta-analysis of the impact of the use of information and communication technology On Educational and Research Performance of Faculty Members of Universities

N. Amini; A.R. Nasr; B.E. Zamani; B. Tork Ladani

Volume 14, Issue 2 , April 2020, , Pages 231-245


  Background and Objectives: The nature of higher education is evolving due to the advancement of ICT while these technologies have had a significant impact on the mission of universities in education and research directions. ICT is a mdeiator that enables the expression of a wide range of information, ...  Read More

Research synthesis of the educational outputs of the flipped classroom in teaching and learning activities

H. kaviani; M.J. Liaghatdar; B.E. Zamani; Y. Abedini

Volume 12, Issue 1 , January 2018, , Pages 59-78


  Background and Objective:In today's classrooms, teaching is more about direct content than inspiring a sense of research and creativity in learners. Given that teaching is a factor that provides opportunities for learners to learn, it is necessary that teaching-learning processes be coordinated with ...  Read More