Technology-based learning environments
Identifying and modeling the successful educational experiences of elementary school teachers in the e-learning environment during the Corona era

F. Tari; M. Javadipour; R. Hakimzadeh; M. Dehghani

Volume 17, Issue 1 , January 2023, , Pages 69-86

  Background and Objectives: Following the outbreak of covid19, e-learning has provided a unique opportunity to face the limitations of face-to-face education and achieve the ideal of education for all. Since teachers are considered as the most important influential factor in the teaching-learning process, ...  Read More

Modern Educational Approaches
An analysis of the role of design thinking in promoting the 21st-century skills: A systematic review

Z. Abolhasani; M. Dehghani; M. Javadipour; K. Salehi; N. Mohammadhasani

Volume 16, Issue 1 , January 2022, , Pages 81-98

  Background and Objectives: Design thinking is a participatory problem-solving method with a human-centered approach that enhances innovation by enhancing learners' creative thinking abilities. Although design thinking has become an integral part of design and engineering as well as business, it can have ...  Read More

Teacher Education
competency of teachers and job satisfactory with an emphasis on constructivism

Z. Abolhasani; M. Javadipour

Volume 13, Issue 4 , October 2019, , Pages 911-920

    Background and Objective:Instructors are one of the main pillars of teaching-learning process that play an undeniable role in improving the quality or disqualifying the educational system. UNESCO sees education as the key to the development of societies and a path that empowers individuals to ...  Read More