Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 PhD. Student in Architecture, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Architecture, Beautiful Arts Campus, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objective:In order to achieve the goals and missions of higher education, experts consider it necessary to conduct numerous research on how to examine and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum. Evaluation of the content of the training course is done in different ways. Comparing the content of the curriculum with each other is one of the methods used. The content of the course is a set that provides planned opportunities for learners to experience learning through an interactive event. The main purpose of the educational program is to train and prepare learners for life and professional activities in the community. Architecture is a discipline that is a combination of humanities, arts and technical sciences. Consequently, the realization of architecture requires a set of knowledge and wisdom. About 1939, academic education of architecture in associate degree and contiguous master's degree courses, began. However, the bachelor's degree course was founded in 1998.
Methods: The present study compared the degree of adaptation of architecture curriculum in a contiguous master's degree courses with that of non-contiguous degrees based on the components of architecture education. This applied study was of descriptive-analytical type and evaluation study in nature. The explanatory method was used for data collection. First, the educational content and whatever an architecture student should learn were discussed. Then, experts' opinions and perceptions were asked regarding the educational content using a likert scale questionnaire.
Findings:The findings revealed that the content of architecture teaching is based on the three foundations of knowledge, competence, wisdom, and the course syllabus in contiguous master's degree included 67 units (1767 hours) in knowledge dimension and 88 units (3640 hours) in competence dimension. Overall, both non-contiguous degrees encompassed 64 units (1479 hours) in knowledge dimension and 88 units (3570 hours) in competence. According to professors, employers and graduates’perspectives, contiguous master's degree was more comprehensive in terms of knowledge, competence and wisdom. Considering the nature of the architecture and its difference with other fields of study, as well as the impact of the competence and wisdom factors in architects’ training, and in most areas, prefers a non-countiguous master's degree.

Conclusion: In general, in all three areas of knowledge and especially ability and insight, the continuous master's degree is a more successful course. Converting the field of architecture from a bachelor's degree to a continuous master's degree (unlike technical disciplines, etc.) is not a successful experience in Iran, and a bachelor's degree in a continuous master's degree is preferable to a bachelor's degree in most fields.


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