Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Agricultural Extension and Education Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Agricultural Extension and Education Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran n


Background and Objective The issue of improving the quality of education has always been considered and is becoming more and more important in recent years. Recent advances in the computer and information technology industry, the introduction and emergence of information networks and communication technologies, have introduced new methods to designers, programmers, managers and implementers of educational programs. The influence of new information technologies on educational centers has changed the simple teaching-learning relationship entirely. Thus, with the development and penetration of communication and information technology in the university, it is expected that learning patterns will change and the revision of curricula will be given more attention. The use of new technologies in agricultural education is also very important for the following reasons: because on the one hand, technologies related to agriculture, food and natural resources are constantly and rapidly developing, and on the other hand, the low quality of education of agricultural specialists, food experts and manufacturers are recognized as part of the world's food security problem. Unfortunately, in most countries, the training of human resources in agriculture section is one of the most important priorities in development projects, and as a result, educational programs have not been tailored to the needs of production and the demands of the agricultural labor market. The purpose of this study is to compare the views of faculty members and graduate/postgraduate students (MA and PhD) concerning the barriers and strategies for developing e-learning in the College of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University.
Methods: The required data for this study have been developed using a survey method by questionnaire technique. In order to determine the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used. The amount of it for the 46 items of the faculty members of College of Agriculture' questionnaire was 0.84 and for the 46 items of the graduate/postgraduate students (MA and PhD)’ questionnaire is 0.85. Population samples of this research were 63 faculty members selected based on census sampling and 280 graduate students selected by multistage random sampling with appropriate assignment. To identify the barriers of developing e-learning in Faculty of Agriculture of Bu-Ali-Sina University, factor analysis was used. To compare the results of both comments Wilcoxon test was used.
Findings: The results of comparing the groups indicate that the responses of faculty members and students conform together in 37 items out of 46 items in the questionnaire; and they were inconsistent with each other in 9 items. In other words, 80.43% of respondents in the questionnaire had relatively similar comments and 19.57 % have different opinions.
Conclusion: In order to develop e-learning in universities and higher education centers in the country, it is recommended to invest in the training of human resources and the training of skilled manpower. Because the development of e-learning will fail without specialized and capable human resources, and thus the resistance of the traditional education system increases and make it more difficult for information technology to enter higher education. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the nature of various disciplines in planning e-learning. E-learning cannot replace traditional education and it must focus on courses and disciplines that the traditional education system is not capable to address, or those whose problems are tackled better with modern technologies and more success is observed.


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