Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty Educational Sciences and Psychology, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran


Background and Objectives: The present age is called the information age, because the acceleration of the evolution of science and technology in the present age is very high and significant. Every day new technologies are produced and made available to the audience. Much of the knowledge and science taught in schools and universities needs to be revisited over time due to social and technological changes. In addition, personal and professional situations increasingly depend on continuous learning. In recent decades, due to dramatic changes and the breadth of science, the need to upgrade and update human knowledge and skills, upgrading lifelong learning skills has become one of the primary goals of the education system. With the advent of information technology and the increasing development of the educational system, it has shifted its activities to the use of e-learning. The general popularity of this type of education is such that some have overlooked the benefits of traditional education and the interaction between teacher and student, and considering e-learning as the only way of education for sustainable learning at the forefront of formal education.
Therefore, in terms of education, a new atmosphere has ruled the world. The large amount of information and its evolution in a short time that must be addressed in the education system; but due to limitations such as lack of time, lack of motivation to learn, update information is not compatible with the new atmosphere of the education system.  This research has been conducted in an attempt to examine the effect of Flipped classroom on self-directed learning in English language classes.
Method and Materials: The participants were female 10th grade students of Kaleybar in academic year 2016-2017. The research is a quasi-experimental one and is performed using the pre-test, post-test method with a control group. Participants in the study were 30 students selected by convenience sampling and randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. For data collection, the self-directed learning questionnaire was used with a reliability of.82 for the whole test and with face and content validity approved by the experts.
Findings: Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software. The results of ANCOVA showed that Flipped Classroom influenced the self-directed variable (with the exception of self-management) in learning with the help of covariate (pre-test) (p <.05). Also, the mean scores of students at the pre and post-test in the experimental group were significantly different. The mean scores of self-directed learning for students trained through Flipped Classroom were higher.
Conclusion: Findings of this study, despite methodological limitations, such as non-random selection of subjects and limited number of sessions of educational interventions, can have scientific and practical implications for the educational system. The specific proposal of this research is to this method in compiling curricula and textbooks, as well as holding in-service training courses for inverted classes for new teachers unfamiliar with this method, as well as using this method by teachers for students' academic engagement. Strengthening the necessary academic skills in this age of information explosion is suggested. Studies on the long-term effects of the flipped class, conducting the same research in different courses and grades, as well as studying it on more examples in other educational areas, are among the suggestions for future researchers.


Main Subjects

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