Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development, Imam Khomeini International University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives:The world today, with the development of technology and the resulting wide-ranging changes, has forced countries to shift from a "resource-based economy" approach to a "knowledge-based economy" approach, and this has led to three axes of innovation, technology and competence. The process of development and progress is of considerable importance. Improving the competencies and skills of human resources and their learning abilities through lifelong training such as technical and vocational training are the most important tools to access this axis. On the other hand, the training of human resources required by societies in the form of technical and vocational training from the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, has attracted the attention of many countries around the world. Following scientific and industrial advances after World War II, these teachings expanded unprecedentedly in the world. As of today, the technical and vocational training of the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare after education is moving in many countries, especially in industrial societies, to meet the economic and social needs as much as possible. It can be claimed that technical and vocational trainings, due to the combination of theoretical and practical trainings, have a great capacity to form human capital and train scientific workers. The role of employment in the dynamics of human life is undeniable and it can be considered as the center of human-community relations. Today's world is witnessing major changes in business and work environments. On the one hand, organizations are becoming smaller and more flexible, and on the other hand, the boundaries between home and work are blurring. In fact, the development of small and fast-growing enterprises in most of the world's economic systems is now accepted as a necessity. Meanwhile, the training of technical and professional organizations in home-based businesses, due to the alignment of theoretical and practical training, have a considerable ability to form human capital. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of technical and vocational training in creating opportunities and capacities in relation to home-based jobs in Qazvin.
Methods: According to the community of home-based businesses in Qazvin, the type of research is based on documentary and field studies of a population of 100 members. The research instrument was a questionnaire whose validity and reliability have been confirmed
Findings: The chi-square test was used to analyze the inferential statistics. Results were analyzed by SPSS software and indicated that the significance level of the critical value is lower supporting significant impact for technical and vocational training on home jobs. Also, the significant impact of the goals of technical and vocational education has been confirmed on creating more opportunities in relation to home-based businesses. But reaching this goal requires more attention from relevant authorities in this regard.
Conclusion: Home business can be one of the best offers for people in today's situation; but walking this transcendent path requires overcoming the fears inevitably raise during the action and prevent the individual from moving in the direction that leads to individual and collective growth. The important thing is that one needs ideas that can be commercialized to get started. In fact, when an idea comes to their mind, they should visualize how to implement it as a roadmap for themselves, and if they see the success of implementing that idea in their desired conditions, they should start working. In addition, the discussion of counseling should not be neglected. Observing and examining people who have been able to achieve increasing success in similar situations can be another suggestion that acts as an accelerator in the path of work, technical and professional training in the meantime can be a significant way to achieve the goals of employees in the field including home businesses.


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