Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Foreign Literature and Languages, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


This study aims at investigating the effect of applying non-verbal communication and body gesture in the process of learning second language. Communication among individuals to share their beliefs, feelings and opinion entails both verbal and non-verbal aspects. While non-verbal communication includes indirect behavior of body gesture, language is the indispensable part of
Any verbal communication. A number of 60 EFL learners were recruited from a private English language institute to participate in the present study. They were, then, randomly assigned into two experimental and control groups. Each group was instructed 15 English words. The treatment lasted 6 sessions in one month. The experimental group was taught using body gesture and pictures, while control the group was instructed with the use of verbal techniques. Learners in both groups were tested orally to check their progress. The findings revealed that there is a significant difference between the two groups outperforming experimental over the control group. A Likert-scaled questionnaire was also distributed among learners. Then, the data collected were analyzed using SPSS and their mean scores revealed their positive attitudes
toward using non-verbal communication in L2 teaching and learning.


Main Subjects

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