Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psycholog, Azarbaijan Shshid Madani University Tabriz. Tabriz, Iran.

2 Faculty of Humanities, Azad University of Urmia. Tabriz. Iran


The research has been conducted in an attempt to examine the effect of multi-media teaching on sixth grade learners’ academic engagement in science courses of the nomadic multi-grade classes. The research is a quasi-experimental one and is performed using the pre-test, post-test method with the control group. The participants of the study were 40 learners (19 female and 21 male) among nomadic sixth grade students, who were selected using multistage random cluster sampling method and placed randomly in the control and experimental groups. The academic engagement questionnaire with specific validity and reliability were utilized to gather data. The face and content validity was examined and reliability coefficient was estimated 0.83. Using the inferential and descriptive statistics, the data were analyzed by SPSS. The findings revealed a significant difference between employing multi-media teaching and academic engagement (behavioral, academic, psychological and cognitive) of learners in control and experimental groups (p<0.05) and the mean score of academic engagement students whom being taught with multi-media method was higher. However, there is not a significant difference between the academic engagement of female and male students in the experimental group (p>0.05). Therefore, the multi-media teaching method has almost equal effect on male and female students.


Main Subjects

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