Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Technology, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

2 Department of Curriculum Planning, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran


Iranian educational systems heavily focus  on Smart schools and equipping. Based on social-cognitive theory student attitude toward school affect student achievement and motivation. With attention to the importance of student attitude toward technology and schools, this study aims to develop and validate a questionnaire in order to estimate student attitude toward Smart schools. A sample 305 middle school student from grade 7 and 8 in South Khorasan   was selected randomly. Exploratory factor analysis identified 9 factors that explain 62 present of the variance of student attitude toward smart schools. These factors include: attitude towards interactive whiteboard; attitude towards teacher;  reluctance to classroom; general attitude towards smart schools; test and feedback; feeling alone in school; student satisfaction from teaching; the impression of school and finally family attitude. The alpha value revealed instrument is reliable (α=0. 89). All Instrument factors can predict 22.5 percent of the variance of students' self-expressed GPA. This questionnaire was recommended to researchers to study and school policy makers for decision making.  


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