Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of educational management,, faculty of management and economy, Shiraz Islamic Azad University. Shiraz. Iran

2 phychology, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University. Tehran. Iran

3 educational management, Shiraz Islamic Azad University. Shiraz. Iran


In this research the content of experimental science book of third grade students of guidance school  has been investigated using bloom classification in the cognitive domain and its results were compared with the cognitive domain in TIMSS 2007.The statistical society of this research was the total content of the experimental Science book of the third grade of  guidance school in the educational year 89-90 included 156 pages. 4 sections and 14 chapters. In order to obtain reliability the statistical society was considered as an example. Research method was descriptive and from the type of content evaluation. To gather information related to behavioral objectives, the behavioral objectives of the book were extracted using, the text and teacher's guide of the book.For the purpose of the goal –content table was used and its validity was evaluated by face validity.The reliability measurement was done using agreement coefficient methods and its value was 76% the obtained information was analyzed by descriptive statistics including, frequency, percent of frequent and inferential statistics.The results showed that the objective of book is 23.35% in knowledge level, 40.14% in understanding levels, 10.56% in application level, 9.15% in analysis level, 4.43% in combination level and 9.84% in evaluation level.Then Bloom domain levels were combined together and the results were compared with three levels of the cognitive domain (knowledge, application and reasoning) in TIMSS.The results indicated that the objectives percentage allocated to these levels has significant difference with the behavioral objectives percentage of experimental science book. Also comparison between the content domain of book and evaluated content domain in TIMSS show that there is a difference between these  two areas.Therefore the content of the science book is a reason for the Iranian Student to be success in TIMSS and the authors must be revise the content of the book. 


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