Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Architecture and Urban Planning,, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University. Tehran. Iran

2 Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning,, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University. Tehran. Iran

3 Architecture Engineering, College of Deylaman Lahijan. Iran


One of the most important steps in planning the design of educational facilities, is attention to the physical safety of these spaces, especially in elementary schools. For this reason, the priority in the designing  is safety of the child and then due to the flexibility of the environment and tools, to give the child's chance of imagination. This study aimed to evaluate the importance of physical security and safety, environmental variables that creates safety in the educational spaces, in order to achieve a more favorable atmosphere has been done. In case study examples, solutions can be found to solve the problem in schools and in planning for the future, measures to promote safety in our schools. The research study, so that in the first phase, the theoretical research gathered through library studies, that was based on the results of the research. In the next step is to test hypotheses, field studies and interviews have been done on 8 elementary schools in Rasht, and the questionnaires were distributed in two stages, the required results gathered and analyzed. The findings showed that for respondents so many factors such as correct location of schools, access, privacy and security in the performance of schools and educational facilities described have special significance, despite the fact that is, the level of security in schools body was moderate, however, physical security, enhancing the utility of educational facilities and increase children's learning outcomes will follow.


Main Subjects

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