Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Student Vice Chancellor, Shahid Rajaei University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Applied Science Center of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


The present study investigated the causes of loss and motivational factors among pre university students before they had their own points of view. Subjects studied in 1455 pre-university students (766 girls and 683 boys) was the center from 8 randomly selected were studied to Measure the attitude of students about a drop in academic motivation scale, 40 species based on spectrum Likert motivational factors that were taken in four categories of family, school environment, social environment and individual measures were. Scale reliability and validity of the mentioned study was evaluated and approved. Findings showed that the girls, in the family and individual factors, have higher level of motivation than boys do. With motivational factors and educational levels of their fathers have shown that fathers of the children who have high school education in the family factor of the motivation are higher than the children of the fathers who were illiterate and with this factor ,maternal education levels have shown that the school factor of the children whose mothers have had high school education, had more motivation than the offspring of the mothers who were illiterate or had primary education Also, the children whose mothers were housewives and they have more academic motivation in the social factor, compared to the children of the working mothers do. While   from the aspect of family and individual dimensions there was no significant difference in total but four academic motivating factors there were no significantly in favor of children whose mothers were housewives, respectively. 


Main Subjects

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