Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Physical Education, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Sport Management

3 Prevention Research Center for Road Traffic Injuries, School of Health, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,Tabriz,,Iran


Physical education and sports are the integral part of education in adolescence and is a useful tool that provides opportunities for real life experiences. The purpose of this study was to assess the extent of explaining and modeling method is studying physical education in primary schools that was performed by the descriptive survey method. The population sample consisted of 100 elementary school physical education teachers in   IslamShahr on 1391-1392. Research tool was researcher made questionnaire with 30 closed questions. Cronbach's alpha reliability test (Course offered in the game, 0/865, to evaluate 0/912, to compete0.61, class management 60/0 and teaching methods 0/891) was used, Which has been named and classified according to the exploratory analysis. The result showed that there is a meaningful correlation between teaching physical science factors in terms of game, teaching methods evaluation and competitions. In teaching physical science teaching by using game, teaching and completion were factors that teachers pay more attention to them, but the teacher’s class management methods has meaningful relation to students’ completion. So we can suggest our managing suggestion in this regards. 


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