Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Educational Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Iran

2 Department of Educational Management, University of Urmia, Iran


This aim of this study is to consider the influencing factors in information technology acceptance among university student. The developed model of acceptance, stress parameters, computers effectively organizational support and cultural values entered into it. 295 students of Uromiye University were selected as samples to answer the questionnaire. The result showed that the technology acceptance model structure is able to make prediction, in order to decide about using the computer and it can predict18 percent. Computer self efficiency has a positive effect and computer stress has a negative effect on ease of use. Ambiguity aversion and power have a positive effect on computer stress and ambiguity aversion has a negative effect on computer self efficiency. The effect of organizational support was a negative on computer stress and a positively on comport self efficiency.  This project showed that the personal, organizational, and cultural factors generally are effective on technology acceptance and it is necessary for programmer to consider these elements.


Main Subjects

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