Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Converging Sciences and Technologies, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran


Background and Objectives: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the sudden expansion of virtual education have created unprecedented challenges in educational systems, particularly in the area of effective and accurate assessment. Assessment is a key element in the learning process that directly impacts the quality of teaching and student learning. In this context, the decline in learning levels, especially in mathematics, has become a significant issue in education. This research investigates the impact of implementing a designed electronic assessment protocol on students' learning in mathematics. The main research question was whether implementing the electronic assessment protocol can help improve students' mathematics learning.
Methods: This research was experimental-empirical. The experimental group was influenced by the independent variable (implementation of the electronic education evaluation protocol), while the control group did not experience this intervention. The dependent variable was the academic progress of students in mathematics. Confounding factors, including educational level and type of school (gifted, witness, and regular), were also considered in the statistical model. The statistical population included all female middle school students in Golestan Province during the 2020-2021 academic year. A sample of 204 students (experimental group) was selected using multi-stage cluster sampling. To compare and control, 379 female middle school students (control group) were selected in proportion to the type of school. In the first stage, the electronic content for the mathematics lesson was designed and produced by the participating teachers. Additionally, a training workshop was held for the teachers to educate them on evaluation concepts and to develop an operational protocol in the virtual learning environment. In the second stage, the protocol was implemented in both experimental and control groups, and its effectiveness was assessed. For data analysis, descriptive statistics (mean, variance, etc.) and inferential statistical tests (analysis of covariance and multivariate and univariate tests) were utilized using SPSS software version 27.
Findings: The results showed that there was a significant difference in the academic progress of students in the experimental and control groups after the implementation of the e-learning evaluation protocol. In other words, the implementation of the protocol led to a significant increase in the academic progress of the students. Additionally, a significant effect of educational level on the academic progress of students was observed. The type of school also has a significant impact on the academic progress of students.
Conclusion: The findings of this research confirmed the effectiveness of the electronic evaluation protocol in improving students' mathematics learning. Utilizing evaluation strategies that align with educational objectives and course content, along with the implementation of integrated evaluation methods instead of relying on a single approach, can enhance the credibility of assessments and improve students' academic progress. These findings offer suggestions for designing and implementing more effective evaluation systems in electronic education. The execution of the electronic evaluation protocol not only increases the accuracy and reliability of assessments but also plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of education by motivating and encouraging students to learn. Integrated evaluation methods, by providing precise and reliable feedback, can assist teachers in identifying students' strengths and weaknesses and adjusting their educational programs based on their actual needs. Therefore, it is recommended that educational systems adopt electronic and integrated evaluation methods to improve the learning process and prepare students for future challenges.


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