Document Type : Original Research Paper
1 Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Psychology and education of exceptional children, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'I University, Tehran, Iran
3 Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'I University, Tehran, Iran
Background and Objectives: Mathematical learning disorder is one of the common learning problems in students that can have a significant effect on their academic performance. Students with this disorder usually have difficulties in understanding mathematical concepts, solving mathematical problems, logical reasoning and using mathematical methods. This problem can reduce their self-confidence and academic motivation and will ultimately have a negative effect on their academic progress in mathematics. The present study was conducted with the aim of meta-analysis of the effect of educational interventions on the academic performance of students with math learning disorders in elementary school (studies published in 2023-2011).
Methods: The method used in this research was meta-analysis and the socio-statistics of the research included all the research documents published in the period of 2023-2011. In order to screen and sample the collected documents, the input criteria included subject appropriateness, the appropriateness of the type of research method (experimental and semi-experimental studies), the precise expression of method coordinates, the report of statistical findings and the scope of the research (Iran), and the output criteria included research related to the epidemiology of the disorder. Mathematical learning, case, review, relational and descriptive research, failure to report statistical information needed to calculate the effect size, similar research and research lacked methodological adequacy. Based on this, 49 research documents were included as valid research documents in the meta-analysis process and the data was converted into an effect size index by using CMA software and using Hunter and Schmidt's approach (credibility test)
Findings: The average effect size of the combined effect in the random model of educational interventions on the math academic performance of students with math learning disorder was found to be 0.687. This point estimate obtained based on Cohen's interpretative system showed the strong and high level of effectiveness of the existing educational interventions on the academic performance of students with math learning disorders. Also, the analysis of moderating variables revealed that the heterogeneity of the effect size in research studies was related to the variables of statistical population type, gender of the subject, educational level, geographical location, year of conducting the research, intervention strategy and type of educational intervention
Conclusion: The existing educational intervention methods focusing on metacognitive strategies and game-based and multimedia methods play an effective role in improving the mathematical performance of students with mathematical learning disorders and it is necessary to implement the interventions needed by this group of students from the third grade of elementary education. to be executed later. According to the findings of this research, it is suggested that in the macro-policy-making process of the education of students with learning disabilities, the category of metacognition and the use of metacognitive learning strategies should be given the necessary attention, and at the same time, educational interventions towards the purposeful use of games in its various forms of movement to be computerized and multimedia driven. Also, it is suggested that educational interventions should be implemented from the third grade of elementary education onwards, and among them, groups with special needs, such as mentally and physically disabled children, as well as hearing and vision impaired students, should be taken into consideration.
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