Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Valiasr University, Rafsanjan, Kerman, Iran


In recent decades, the need for interdisciplinary research in architectural education has become more evident. Meanwhile, designers implement objective and subjective interpretations for solving architectural problems. Therefore, the recognition of the conscious and unconscious mind of the architect and users is becoming a prominent criterion in reading architecture. One of the teaching methods in Italy is the method of the Moratoria School of Architecture. This method is based on historical-evolutionary typology, which is formed in order to regenerate the historical chain reconstruction of the object, which is, a part of the unconscious mind of the architect. The advantages of this approach are the research process, education and design in order to achieve basic types in the regional, city, contextual, architectural scale that provides the option of following the method in other schools of architecture. Describing the Moratoria school, the paper employs the descriptive-analytical method to criticize the basis of intellectual thoughts and curriculum. The findings of this study can be used in type recognition in the residential complex studio in schools of architecture.


Main Subjects

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