Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahid Rajaei Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


Nowadays universities use adequate facilities and professional lecturers to train skilled students, but if students do not pay attention in class all this effort is in vain. This research has attempted to study the sleepiness of pupils in class and has tried to find out if it is related to the teaching method and instructor’s appearance. In order to do so, two hypotheses are posed and answered through a survey. A questionnaire was designed and completed by 352 students. The results show that 27.8% of students are sleepy in class. During lecturing 72% of students, in memorizing and repetition 48% and in question and answer 9.4% of students feel sleepy. The changes in the voice of the lecturer stops 36.6% of the students from sleeping and 69.4% of students reported that the experience of the teacher prevents them from sleeping. The appearance of the lecturer stops sleepiness by 39.5%. 


Main Subjects

Nowadays universities use adequate facilities and professional lecturers to train skilled students, but if students do not pay attention in class all this effort is in vain. This research has attempted to study the sleepiness of pupils in class and has tried to find out if it is related to the teaching method and instructor’s appearance. In order to do so, two hypotheses are posed and answered through a survey. A questionnaire was designed and completed by 352 students. The results show that 27.8% of students are sleepy in class. During lecturing 72% of students, in memorizing and repetition 48% and in question and answer 9.4% of students feel sleepy. The changes in the voice of the lecturer stops 36.6% of the students from sleeping and 69.4% of students reported that the experience of the teacher prevents them from sleeping. The appearance of the lecturer stops sleepiness by 39.5%. 

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