Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Humanities, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabatabaei University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Main Subjects

In this article, the insight of the foreign language faculties towards using information technologies in teaching languages online, have been investigated in four fields of teaching languages including: English, French, German and Farsi. Meanwhile the foreign language faculties’ perceptions towards the facilities provided at their work and their readiness to take part in the workshops of teaching languages online were studied descriptively. Different variables such as age, sex, educational rank and types of teaching (virtual online via face to face) were also considered thoroughly. 68 language faculties, from 7 different universities, answered the questionaires. The result showed that most of the language faculties were not aware of IT based devices or strategies of teaching their courses in virtual environments, and the necessary technological infrastructure and facilities for online language teaching is totally different at their work. It was cleared out that the majority numbers of foreign language faculties need to pass supplementary courses in almost all of the fields related to teaching languages electronically. However, the educational rank showed some positive effect on transition towards e- teaching, the higher the educational rank or teaching section, the more tendency towards using online strategies or devices, could be observed. Therefore, the researcher concluded that a well-planned, proactive IT-based training program for foreign language faculty is an essential prerequisite for further educational development in our country.

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