Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Wood Industries, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training Uni. Tehran, Iran


Development of any society lies in training skilled and expert human resources. Therefore, universities play an important role in achieving this goal. The aim of this research was to study the effectiveness of some wood technology under-graduate courses in order to get an insight into whether these courses are useful and effective for market needs. Thus, three courses of wood joints including wood industry machinery maintenance and wood molding (designing and derforming wood molds) were selected due to their essential role in the job market. Questionnaires were distributed to gather data, and based on Cronbach’s alpha, the reliability of the questionnaire turned out to be %89. The research sample (89 participants) included wood technology under-graduates (engineers) of Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University (SRTTU). The participants were selected randomly. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics using SPSS software. The results indicated that there is a relationship between the two courses including "wood joints" and wood industrial machinery maintenance" and the job skills of wood technology engineers while there is a weaker relationship between the other course "wood molding" and the above mentioned skills. Thus, it seems essential to modify, improve and update the content of these courses based on the expectations and demands of the job market, industry, and technology development. 


Main Subjects

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