Document Type : Review Paper


Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: There is a large gap between education in architecture schools in Iran and modern educational methods in advanced industrial countries. Iran educational methods are still the same as in the past, which unfortunately have not kept pace with the changes of the new era, and this can be one of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of architectural education in Iran. The architecture schools need to be changed due to the changes in the educational system and the increasing needs of students to communication and modern technologies. In other words, the pervasiveness of new technologies has affected the educational system and the educational environment must continuously adapt to the improvements and developments of today's world. The most important goal of the educational system is to educate capable and competent individuals and produce extensive knowledge to meet the changing needs of the modern world for life and a growing society. In fact, the educational system must constantly strive to respond to the educational innovations and evolutions and prepare students for a rapidly changing world. The need for change, modernizing and updating the educational spaces is important in parallel with the new educational flow in architecture and urban planning faculties. This research comparatively examined the curriculum, spaces and new educational technologies in the architecture education system in selected universities of the world. The purpose of the research was to identify solutions for reforming the university architecture education system in Iran.
Methods: The present study was descriptive, analytical and applied. Content analysis was based on an inductive approach. The research sample was purposefully selected from among the leading architectural schools in the world, which were selected by valid evaluations. The research method was comparative with qualitative approach and based on the stages of George Bereday's comparative Method in education: Description, Interpretation, Juxtaposition and Comparison. The data and documents were collected from library studies, books and articles, web-based information that were categorized and analyzed in tables and charts format and the common qualitative characteristics of the top schools of architecture in the world were determined.
Findings: Analyses performed on the samples showed that the use of new educational technologies would play a central role in the curriculum of the educational system and was effective in improving the level of education and learning of students. Also, some of the innovations of this field were recognized in the top universities of the world. Among the most important of these innovations were frequent revisions of the curriculum, working in workshop environments with advanced equipment, holding educational trips, preparing students for the job market, holding lectures and exhibitions with the presence of contemporary architects, working in work environments with real employers and prominent architectural offices.
Conclusion: A comparison of the strategies of MIT, Harvard, Rice, Sci-Arc and Cooper Union universities showed that MIT and Harvard offer the most flexible curriculum among the universities, while using a suitable educational environment with advanced and up-to-date architectural equipment and facilities. Rice University increases the creativity of students with the possibility of apprenticeship in the offices of prominent architects and holding classes and courses about current and future architectural issues and challenges. With the approach of creating flexibility and dynamism in the teaching method, Sci-Arc School emphasizes the innovative innovations and creative solutions in architectural design, holding lectures and exhibitions with the presence of world-renowned professors and architects, and emphasizing the interaction between professors and students. Cooper Union School, in addition to providing a suitable educational environment, focuses on the sociability of gathering spaces and increasing social interactions between the general public, students and professors. As a result, the university architecture curriculum must be in line with new developments in the education process. Technology and its advanced tools and critical thinking are considered as essential and vital factors for success in architecture education. It is necessary to take a step towards improving the quality of architecture education by using technologies and making all necessary changes to revise and reorganize the educational system.


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