Document Type : Original Research Paper


School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia


Examination is a key component of education. Quizzes can motivate students to be prepared in advance، and encourage them to accompany lecturer in the teaching. Especially it is an applicable tool for managing crowded classrooms. But designing and establishing quizzes in high circulation is the main obstacle in vast application of them. Internet as part of today’s modern life is a foundation to overcome this limit. Universities as pioneer applicants of internet have already its infrastructure installed. Although everybody agrees that information technology (IT) is effective in education، unfortunately due the lack of demonstration and scientific evaluation of its capabilities، it is not adopted in current practice. Following effective learning paradigm، this article surveyed “Simultaneous Electronic Response System” and assessed its applicability to involve engineering students in learning especially by establishing large-scale online quizzes. Results confirmed system’s performance and registered improved learning


Main Subjects

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