Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 National Consultant of National Petrochemical Company, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: The endeavor of organizations and companies to reach large global markets has led them to use the most effective and practical methods to reach this aim. One of these methods is the  new teaching methods for employees which in the present study have been examined to determine the feasibility of applying new teaching methods in National Petrochemical Company of Iran, so that the company and especially its staff can benefit from these new teaching methods.
Methods: This study is designed  in an applied and descriptive-surveying  format using a researcher-made questionnaire. It includes five components with 56 items that have separately studied readiness (17 items), the effectiveness of the teaching methods of former courses (10 items), the quality of the teaching content (8 items), the opportunity to develop new teaching methods (12 items), and the opportunity to develop new teaching methods in accordance with structural and infrastructural facilities. The reliability of the  questionnaire  was estimated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and found to be 0.85، 0.87،  0.85،  0.70،  0.90 respectively. Data were analysed in SPSS software using one sample t-test. The sample of the present study consisted of 270 staff and managers of National Petrochemical Company varying from grade 9 up to B (the specific levelling of the company’s staff). The Morgan Table was used for sampling in which from a population of 270, 120 individuals were selected as a sample from which 91 individuals received the questionnaire.  
Findings: The results indicate the possibility of implementing new teaching methods in accordance with multiple dimensions. Among the dimensions of feasibility, except for the human dimension which is in the desired condition, other dimensions  are not in the desired condition.  For such dimensions, t is equal to -8.40 at the significance level of (0.000) which is lower than the assumed average (3) and is reported as undesirable. In the following five areas or dimensions of feasibility, the perspective of managers and staff were studied: 1) the amount of readiness of the managers and staff in using the new teaching methods; 2) the attitude of the managers and staff towards the quality and effectiveness of the teaching methods in the former courses; 3) the attitude of managers and staff towards the methods of presenting the teaching content and the quality of the teaching materials; 4) the opportunities for the development of new teaching methods in accordance with the attitude of the managers and the staff; 5) the opportunities for the development of the new teaching methods in accordance with the structural and infrastructural facilities in terms of the perspective of the managers and the staff. Except for the first question, for the rest of the questions, a negative value in a one sample t-test was shown which indicates there is a distance to reaching the desired situation. Moreover, the correlation among the components 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 was also calculated which were 0.34, 0.69, 0.72, 0.66 and 0.53, respectively.  Friedman test was used to prioritize and identify the components that are most desirable         
Conclusions: The inferential results derived from the statistical findings showed that the readiness of the managers and the staff to promote the culture of using new teaching methods according to the findings is in desirable condition. So is possible that   implication of the new teaching methods is predictable based on the perspective of the managers and the staff’s point of views. In other dimensions, such as knowledge, technical, organizational, structural and infrastructure, there are signs that optimized conditions to benefit from new teaching methods. Referred to generality of findings indicates the human, technical, organizational and structural dimensions, it can be claimed that the feasibility indicators are not in a desired condition in the company. Except for the attitude and acceptance of using new teaching methods that are in favorable and appropriate condition, the rest of the indicators  are less than the average.


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