Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of English Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University,Tehran,Iran

2 TEFL, Department of English Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran,Iran


:Recent research has revealed huge interest in pursuing studies on teachers’ cognition. The present paper is a case study designed to investigate a pre-service teacher’s beliefs about corrective feedback at the Iran Language Institute (henceforth ILI). To do so, a pre-service teacher called Ali (a fictitious name) volunteered to participate in this study prior to attending his Teacher Training Course (henceforth TTC) held by the ILI. In order to unravel his beliefs about corrective feedback and the sources of such beliefs, a questionnaire developed by the researchers was given to him to complete. Later on, an informal interview was conducted by the second researcher in order to fathom Ali’s beliefs and also meet the triangulation criteria. Two weeks later, after Ali was officially employed as an English teacher at the ILI, the second researcher observed his class to see how far Ali’s beliefs had altered after the TTC. The observation session revealed a modification and change in Ali’s beliefs. The findings indicated that his beliefs had rigorously changed after the TTC. The results are hence reported and discussed fully with possible pedagogical implications and rich areas of research for further exploration.


Main Subjects

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