Document Type : Original Research Paper


Information Technology Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Information technologies have reshaped the interactions and creation of knowledge, and affected significantly the processes of acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in the society. The universities and educational institutions, as the main sources of production and communication of science, are to be gradually modified. There, the subject on which the higher education administrators should seriously concentrate is establishing the virtual universities and realizing e-learning there. This realization requires fulfilling the condition of different aspects, systemically called e-readiness. Tarbiat Modares University is of the ones who attempted, in recent years, to present master programs in different faculties via electronic media. in the first part of the paper, it is attempted to present an appropriate model for assessing its e-learning readiness based on the comparative studies as well as national experts’ views. Then a comprehensive analysis of e-Learning readiness experienced in Tabrbiat Modares University is presented here. It is noticeable that the proposed model is based on the specifications and localized features of the country and has the adaptability for application in assessment of e- learning readiness in other universities.


Main Subjects

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