Document Type : Original Research Paper
1 Department of Architecture, Shahid Rajaei Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Architecture, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, Iran
Environmental education and evaluation is one of the most important tools to preserve the human built and natural environment. This article presents an ecological pattern in sustainable settlement education with emphasis on the university campus landscape and architecture design. As the main assumption, the university architecture and campus landscape can influence the students' perception and behavior in relation to sustainable development. The educational built environment of the university campus-as a behavior setting- has an affordance to convey the sustainability concepts to the students. The paper reviews some case studies in Europe and attempts to introduce sustainable development education with university architecture and campus design in Iran. The article has resulted a conceptual pattern with some environmental design strategies in both architecture and landscape design disciplines. Green buildings design, campus landscape design with bioclimatic approach, design for public transport, cycling and walking and creating green and quality public open spaces with community buildings are of the main strategies in university campus design.
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